Másters Especializados

Specialized Master Programs

IÉSEG’s Specialized Masters portfolio is designed for students willing to live a fully cross-cultural and international experience.




Associate Dean for International Programs and Relations

Believe in yourself and all that you are!
If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you are powerless to improve society,’ then by all means come to IÉSEG - that voice will be silenced, and you will be empowered.

Specialized Masters – Presentation

Structure of the Specialized Masters

IÉSEG’s specialized Masters portfolio is designed for students willing to live a fully cross-cultural and international experience, and offers two different tracks* according to participants’ previous academic background:

> Fast Track: participants who have 4 years of higher education (Bachelor in 4 years, Master or "M1" validated by an official degree with an equivalent of 240 ECTS credits) in Management or in the field corresponding to the considered Master at IÉSEG, may request exemption of the 3rd term (with no tuition fee reduction).

> Regular Track: for all participants. Mandatory for participants who have 3 years of higher education (Bachelor in 3 years, Licence/"Bac+3" validated by an official degree with the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits).

*Except for the Double-Degree Specialized Master in Entrepreneurship & Innovation co-delivered with the Loughborough University London. Participants must have a 4-year Bachelor or a Master degree.

Structure of the Specialized Masters

Program structure for all Specialized Masters, except for the Master in Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

Degrees Awarded by Specialized Master Programs

grade de Master

Upon successful completion of the program, students will get the State-recognized 'Grade de Master' ("DESMI - Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées en Management International"), with the specialization mentioned (Fashion Management, International Business, Strategy & Digital Transformation, International Business Negotiation, Finance, Banking, Capital Markets & Financial Technology, International Accounting Audit & Control, Digital Marketing & CRM, Big Data Analytics for Business, Business Analysis & Consulting, Cybersecurity Management, Management for Sustainability, Entrepreneurship & Innovation).

This degree is delivered by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and registered with the French RNCP (the National Registry of Professional Certification) under the number RNCP37390.

Fashion Management

The Master in Fashion Management is program completely taught in English designed for talented individuals wishing to specialize in fashion and luxury management and to achieve an international career in the fashion and luxury industry.
The program prepares future fashion managers who will work confidently in competitive global environments. They will share their acquired knowledge and experiences while promoting best practices in the international fashion arena.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo

International Business

The Master in International Business (MIB) is a program completely taught in English, which provides the skills and mindset required for success in international business within a limited time frame. We draw on our sound understanding of business practices and cultures to give students the fundamental skills necessary to help manage corporations in different international contexts.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille or Paris - France

Sept. (Lille - Paris) & Jan. (Lille only)

Sigue leyendo

Strategy and Digital Transformation

The Master in Strategy and Digital Transformation aims at cultivating digital masters that allow companies to transform digital technology into business advantage.
The program aims at equipping the students with the digital technologies knowledge as well as the skills needed to design and successfully lead digital transformation across functions (e.g. operations, customer experience, employee experience) and at the corporate level (strategy, business model innovation).

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo

International Business Negotiation

The Master in International Business Negotiation is a program completely taught in English which aims to educate effective, versatile and ethical managers, with strong negotiations skills to work in international context.
It offers participants the opportunity to understand all elements of a negotiation process, and to fully engage in an interdisciplinary analyses of negotiation in a global environment. Participants learn about their own negotiation style, master the art of communication and develop relational skills, which are of key importance for constructive negotiation processes.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo


The Master in Finance is a program designed for students who wish to enhance their understanding of financial analysis and asset management in a professional setting. Apart from state-of-the-art technical skills, students acquire soft skills by enrolling in management courses aimed at preparing them for senior executive positions in their chosen career path.
The program is taught fully in English, making its international application one of its major strengths. The curriculum puts the emphasis on ethics, social responsibility and sustainability, thereby acknowledging that ethical conduct is critical for successful investment managers and financial analysts. Through thorough discussion of carefully selected case studies, students are given a unique opportunity to learn the ethics of the profession. Theory is put into practice in Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters labs, where students can obtain professional certifications.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo

Banking, Capital Markets & Financial Technology

The Master in Banking, Capital Markets & Financial Technology is a program completely taught in English designed to take your knowledge of equity and debt capital markets to a higher level. Interactive lessons by academic and industry experts provide strong technical skills in capital markets securities, banking and financial technology.
In a fast-moving global financial environment, this program further explores the most recent developments in capital markets regulation and compliance. Our students graduate with a set of quantitative tools and with a solid knowledge of the regulations and ethics in investment banking and capital markets.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille - France


Sigue leyendo

International Accounting, Audit & Control

The Master in International Accounting, Audit & Control is a program completely taught in English designed for students wishing to achieve long-term career success, based on a solid foundation in financial reporting and analysis, in management accounting and decision-making; and financial advisory services, thereby preparing candidates for leading roles in these professions.
The program provides participants with an understanding of modern financial functions from both a technical and institutional point of view enabling graduates to work in a wide variety of industries.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo

Digital Marketing & CRM

The Master in Digital Marketing & CRM is a program completely taught in English which provides a unique opportunity to strengthen both your knowledge of Digital Marketing and CRM.
The main objective of the program is to prepare future managers to work in these two rapidly emerging and complementary marketing fields that represent new ways of conducting marketing and improving relationships with clients.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille - France


Sigue leyendo

Big Data Analytics for Business

The Master in Big Data Analytics for Business is a program completely taught in English which aims at training data scientists.
Participants are exposed to the leading-edge fundamentals in decision-making by extracting knowledge from Big Data, including customer transactional databases, streaming data, social media data, call center data, and inventory process logs.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille - France


Sigue leyendo

Business Analysis & Consulting

The Master in Business Analysis and Consulting is a program completely taught in English which aims at providing future managers and consultants with the managerial and communication skills required to act as change agents and to create sustainable performance for companies operating in a global environment.
The program not only focuses on a financial perspective, but allows you to study performance from many angles, such as human resources management, IT, operations management, risks etc. Participants are trained to acquire the necessary knowledge and competencies to translate strategic plans into tangible outcomes.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Paris - France


Sigue leyendo

Cybersecurity Management

The Master in Cybersecurity Management is a program completely taught in English designed for participants who wish to master the technical and business knowledge and skills to manage organizational cyber risk. Interactive lessons by academic and industry experts provide fundamental technical knowledge in addition to managerial and leadership skills. Program participants will have the opportunity to earn two industry-recognized certifications to demonstrate their expertise.
This master delivers up-to-date knowledge for organizational leaders to excel in the governance and management of their IT risk, security, and compliance responsibilities. The program represents cybersecurity as an enterprise-wide risk management challenge, impacting technical, organizational and governance responsibilities.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille - France


Sigue leyendo

Management for Sustainability

The Master in Management for Sustainability is designed for problem-solvers and purpose-driven students who want to implement solutions addressing the world’s toughest sustainability challenges.
It also equips students with the fundamental science, technology and policy know-how for meeting today’s sustainability challenges, combined with a good command of management and strategy insights and tools.

3 Terms + Capstone Project


120 ECTS

Lille - FRANCE


Sigue leyendo

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed to develop critical understanding and the ability to reflect on the importance of an entrepreneurial attitude in individuals and organizations.
It also aims to develop students’ critical thinking in order to evaluate the factors affecting the success of new venture creation and the innovation process; and provide the necessary tools to evaluate the attractiveness of new business ideas.

In partnership with the Loughborough University London.

2 Terms + Capstone Project



Paris - London


Sigue leyendo