Master in Big Data Analytics for Business Programa

Data Science – a driving force for business.

  • Format

    3 semestres + prácticas profesionales

  • Languages


  • Location


  • Fees

    19.700€ (Fast Track) / 22.700€ (Regular Track)

  • Intake


  • Credits

    120 ECTS



El Máster Especializado en Big Data Analytics for Business está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a dominar las habilidades comerciales, los métodos y las herramientas analíticas necesarias para transformar GRANDES datos en GRANDES conocimientos en marketing, finanzas y administración.

El programa se ofrece a tiempo completo y consta de 3 semestres de clases y de una experiencia profesional. El plan de estudios se desarrolla en torno a los módulos principales de comercio, tecnología y metodología, así como cursos especializados en marketing, finanzas y operaciones.

En un mundo conectado, los datos brindan a las empresas la oportunidad de alinear su estrategia comercial, financiera y operativa con hechos y cifras. Los estudiantes aprenderán a convertirse en gerentes orientados a datos que podrán detectar oportunidades analíticas en un contexto comercial dado.

Contenido del programa




Project Management


The course tackles the basic principles of the project management field. Project management is a managerial discipline that is inevitable in a data-driven business context nowadays. In multiple industries as diverse as retail, financial services, pharmaceuticals, software and aerospace, analytical projects drive business. Effective project management often translates into gleaming new opportunities that often translate into increased sales.

Business Analytics in a Substainable World


This course introduces the field of business analytics from a strategic company perspective. A case study-based approach is employed to let participants critically reflect how data science might deliver added value for companies in a sustainable and ethical way.

Business Ethics & Managerial Behavior 1


> Solve professional dilemmas using concepts of CSR and ethics
> Generate sustainable solutions for organizations
> Demonstrate an international mindset
> Successfully collaborate within a intercultural team
> Convey powerful messages using contemporary presentation techniques
> Assess the values of the organization in which they work

Business Ethics & Managerial Behavior 2


This course zooms in onto the most important aspects of data privacy in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At the end of the course, the participants know how to treat (company) data in an ethical and responsible way when performing data science.

Data Strategy


This course covers how to leverage company data to create value and to build a competitive advantage. At the end of the course, participants are able to understand and manage the data lifecycle, and to implement a data strategy for a given company setting.

Industry Perspectives on Big Data Analytics


This course gives insight into the various real-life aspects of big data analytics. Real-life case studies are presented to reveal best practices for big data analytics. At the end of the course, participants have a better view on spotting big data analytical opportunities in business.



Advanced Spreadsheet Analysis (MS Excel)


The course introduces its participants to advanced spreadsheet analysis. In- and out-company data is floating around, and the skills to treat that data in an efficient and effective manner is imposing employees to sharpen their analysis skills. At the end of the course, participants do master how to treat data using a spreadsheet analysis tool like Microsoft Excel.

Business Reporting Tools


This course covers the concepts of a relational database and the industry standard Structured Query Language (SQL). In addition, this course gives its participants the necessary skill set to visual analytics using the Tableau software.

Big Data Tools (SQL & Tableau)


This course covers the principles of big data and introduces its most important IT tools. The participants are exposed to leading concepts and technologies in the field of big data like Hadoop, HDFS, Spark architecture, Hyve, Keras and Tensorflow, graph databases and streaming.

Business Analytics Tools – Commercial (SAS)


The objective of this course is to introduce participants to SAS programming. At the end of this course, participants are fluent in SAS programming.

Business Analytics Tools – Open Source (Python)


The objective of this course is to introduce participants to Python programming. At the end of this course, participants are fluent in Python programming.

Business Analytics Tools – Open Source (R)


The objective of this course is to introduce participants to R programming. At the end of this course, participants are fluent in R programming.



Descriptive and Predictive Analytics


This course introduces its participants to the building blocks of descriptive and predictive analytics. Nowadays, there is a tremendous increase in customer/company information which is available to the data scientists. This course introduces fundamental analysis methods to describe “what has happened” based on historical data (descriptive analytics), and introduces the fundamental concepts of predictive analytics to the participants.



The aim of this course is to present a concise description of popular time series forecasting models that are based on the regression framework.

Social Network Analysis


This course introduces how network data delivers value in business decision making. At the end of the course, participants are able to scrutinize network data, build a (social) network, and draw relevant conclusions.

Fundamentals of Deep Learning


This course offers its participants a profound introduction to deep neural networks. At the end of the course, participants are able to spot opportunities to apply deep learning in a real-life business context, while being able to implement them successfully.

Fundamentals of Interpretable Data Science


This course introduces various visualization tools to reveal hidden patterns in complex data structures or to help in opening black-box algorithms. At the end of the course, participants are able to improve decision making by proposing data science solutions that are performant and interpretable for the business decision maker.

Fundamentals of NLP


Natural language processing is a flourishing subdomain of data science. This course introduces how textual (company) data delivers value to businesses and details the various data preprocessing steps on how to convert text to a numeric format that could then be used in traditional data science methods.

Statistical and Machine Learning


This course introduces the participants to various statistical and machine learning algorithms for data –preprocessing, modeling and evaluation. This is a fundamental course in the curriculum as it delivers theoretical and hands-one experience in applying basic to state-of-the-art algorithms on various prediction problems.

Data Science Hackathon


Connected Vision Tour


This course delivers the participants a unique and hands-on experience of solving a real-life data science challenge for a company. The participants do work in teams in a three-month like hackathon projects to deliver a data-driven solution that is acceptable by both the data scientists and the business managers. The supporting staff is composed of both academic and company supervisors.

Innovation and New Business Development


Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment*


The course is designed to immerse students into the daily life of business consultants working for an ERP implementation company. Through interactive lectures, group assignments, and the intervention of four expert professionals, this course confronts students with the diverse expectations, tasks, and challenges functional consultants need to tackle. Combining theoretical concepts with hands-on exercises on a hypothetical business case, participants are expected to acquire knowledge on and experience with ERP deliverables and domains (i.e., Microsoft Dynamics 365), workflow design for top-level business processes (i.e.., Procure-to-Pay, Order-to-Cash), project management activities, and functional consulting analysis tools (e.g., XMind, Bizagi).

Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking*


Creativity is one of the critical components of an organization’s ability to survive and thrive in today’s competitive and dynamic markets. This course will provide participants with a rich understanding of how creativity can be facilitated and managed in a work setting. They will acquire knowledge regarding various theoretical conceptualizations (i.e., how do you define creativity), antecedents (i.e., what makes you and others more creative) and outcomes (i.e., what is the impact) of creativity as well as knowledge on design thinking techniques and tools to lead teams in the creative journey.
How do creative ideas happen? How can we foster our creativity and the creativity of those around us? What are the paths of creative development of individuals who are successful in their creative endeavours? What are the implications for fostering and managing creativity in the workplace? What are the obstacles to creativity? What is the nature of creativity in teams and organizations? These are some of the questions we will address. During the course, a variety of teaching and learning techniques will be used to enable participants to think critically and imaginatively about various perspectives of creativity. To realize the goal of a shared learning experience between participants and the instructor, the course is aimed at integrating real challenges and practical experiences of creativity, projects, presentations, experiential exercises, and critical reflection on the various course materials.

*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)

Strategic People Management*


Description to come.

*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)

Career Program


The Career Program aims to help participants build and implement their professional objective in line with their aspirations, skills and the socio-economic reality of the market.
The objective is to facilitate their integration into the company, in an environment that allows them to develop personally and professionally.
It includes a cycle of thematical events creating bridges with companies and helping students to develop their network. Our pedagogical approach is an alternation of teaching methods to promote learning in line with the teaching and learning strategy of the institution.

Entrepreneurship and New Business Development


This course provides participants with a profound understanding on entrepreneurship, new business development, and business plan writing. Through lectures, testimonials, field-work, and group assignments, participants are confronted with the how, where, when, whom, and why of starting and developing new business activities. As part of an international and multicultural team, participants are invited to work on an operational business plan aimed at either the creation of a new venture (NVC-track) or the acceleration of new business for an already established SME (NBD-track). This course’s ambitions thus go beyond providing theoretical insights. Hands-on experience is gained through out-of-class field work covering all steps of the entrepreneurial decision-making process (e.g., idea generation, feasibility analysis, industry study, market analysis, marketing plan, production plan, product development, and financial statements). In doing so, participants accumulate entrepreneurial knowledge and behaviours that support innovative solutions and new value development.

Cursos de Idiomas


Cursos de Idiomas


Los cursos de idiomas para todos los niveles están incluidos en el programa. El francés es la opción obligatoria para cualquier estudiante no francófono. Para los estudiantes francófonos nativos, se ofrecen otros idiomas (chino, español, alemán – lista sujeta a cambios).

Hands-on Experience


Internship/work experience or consulting project/thesis


Capstone Project: 4-to 6-month internship or work experience anywhere in the world. Alternatively, students can opt for a consulting project or a thesis.

Nota: La información sobre los cursos está sujeta a cambios.

Zoom sobre… un proyecto de business integrado

El Máster Especializado en Big Data Analytics for Business permite a sus participantes llevar a cabo un proyecto concreto al inicio del segundo semestre, cuyo objetivo es poner en práctica las habilidades y calificaciones asimiladas durante su curso. En colaboración con una empresa, los participantes tienen la oportunidad de trabajar en temas profesionales aplicando las técnicas y métodos que han adquirido durante su capacitación.

Las anteriores empresas colaboradoras son Microsoft, Graydon, Mealhero, Delaware Consulting, Oney, Cofidis, Crédit Agricole, Port of Antwerp-Bruges, The Royal Belgian Soccer Association, Enfocus, Mobly, Monabanq, Cinionic, y muchos otros.

Talleres y Eventos Corporativos

Junto con las clases, el programa incluye talleres adicionales y eventos corporativos para desarrollar aún más las habilidades personales y profesionales de los participantes. Abarcan una serie de temas como la gestión de conflictos en entornos interculturales y la comunicación intercultural.

Nuestro programa «Career Program» ayuda a los participantes a establecer su plan de carrera profesional mediante un análisis de sus habilidades, fortalezas personales y el uso de herramientas de redes de networking para que estén preparados y cumplan con las expectativas de los reclutadores a nivel internacional.

Descubre el Career Program


Durante sus prácticas, los estudiantes pueden combinar teorías de gestión con experiencia práctica y aplicar las competencias interculturales que han desarrollado en IÉSEG.

Big Data Engineer, Customer Data Analyst, Data Analyst, Data Architect, Data Quality Engineer, Data Science Researcher, Data Scientist, Online Marketing Analyst, Performance Analyst o Pricing Intelligence Analyst por ejemplo: las oportunidades de prácticas que ofrece el programa al final del plan de estudios son múltiples.

Algunas empresas que contratan a nuestros becarios: Trivago, Accenture, Teradata, Honda Europe, Bombardier, KBC, Materialise, Pipecandy, McAfee, CapGemini, Allianz, Sodexo, BNP Paribas, Bloomon, Auchan, AXA, etc.

Las prácticas pueden realizarse en Francia o en el extranjero. La mayoría de los estudiantes han realizado sus prácticas en Europa o en Asia, por ejemplo.

Implicación de las empresas en este programa

Las empresas son parte integrante de la vida académica de este máster especializado. A lo largo del programa, los participantes tienen la oportunidad de reunirse y establecer contactos con empresas de todos los tamaños sobre temas relacionados con el máster, como conferencias, intervenciones en clase, retos o contratación a medida.

Ejemplos de actos organizados anteriormente:
> Presentación de la empresa: “Presentación de la actividad de Data Analytics del Grupo y oportunidades de empleo” – AIR FRANCE KLM
> Visita a la empresa: “Taller de Design Thinking y visita del laboratorio de innovación” – CAPGEMINI
> Intervención en clase – PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES


IÉSEG se ha asociado con Capgemini, SAS y Air France para su programa del Máster en Big Data Analytics for Business. Esta asociación con líderes mundiales en consultoría, TI, outsourcing y servicios profesionales locales enriquece la visión de los estudiantes para el análisis de Big Data. Capgemini, SAS y Air France comparten su experiencia, análisis y perspectivas profesionales sobre las tendencias actuales en su área de especialización con los estudiantes durante sesiones de coaching, conferencias especiales, estudios de casos de la vida real y visitas a empresas.

La oportunidad de aprender más sobre cuestiones profesionales concretas de los líderes del mercado y de exponerse a la experiencia real de profesionales consumados son ventajas importantes del programa.

En 2022, los estudiantes de IÉSEG del Máster en Big Data Analytics for Business ganaron la SAS Curiosity Cup, una competición entre universidades y escuelas de negocios internacionales cuyo objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes para que utilicen SAS y aporten ideas sobre temas de su interés.

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