- 2006 : Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Paris Dauphine, France
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2002 - 2004, Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Lille 2, Lille, France
- 2001 - 2002, Lecturer, University of Paris Dauphine, paris, France
- 2001 - 2002, Consultant, Club HEC Finance Internationale, le cabinet Mazars, IBM Consulting et l'Association Française des Contrôleurs de Gestion de Banque (AFCGB), Paris, France
Expérience en entreprise :
- 2008 - 2009, Consultant, Contact Group, Tourcoing, France
- 1998 - 1999, Sales Agent, Cetelem, Lille, France
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2010 : Best Paper of the Conference, AIMS Conference
- 1999 : Awarded a Grant (34,200 euros for 3 years, from 1999 to 2002) to do my Ph.D by the Rectorat de Paris, following the fact that I graduated Major in my Postgraduate Degree., University of Paris-Dauphine - Rectorat de Paris
- 2003 : Elected teacher of the year by the students of the IUP Banking, Finance and Insurance, ESA - Ecole Supérieure des Affaires
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Mustak M., Hallikainen H., Laukkanen T., Plé L., Linda Hollebeek L., Aleem M., (2024). Using machine learning to develop customer insights from user-generated content, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 81 (2024) 104034.
Plé L., (2023). Ecole : quelle efficacité pour les edtechs ?, Les Echos, NA (NA) NA.
Plé L., Giangreco A., (2022). Industry 4.0: When Change Means Giant Leaps for Individuals and Factories, Journal of International Business Education, 17 (2023) 267-276.
Afficher tout
Plé L., Yacoub G., (2022). Shein: The (not so?) Shining Growth of Ultra-Fast Fashion, Journal of International Business Education, 17 (2022) 277-298.
Mustak Mekhail, Salminen Joni, Plé Loïc, Wirtz Jochen, (2021). Artificial intelligence in marketing: Topic modeling, scientometric analysis, and research agenda, Journal of Business Research, 124 (1) 389-404.
Plé L., Demangeot C., (2020). Social contagion of online and offline deviant behaviors and its value outcomes: The case of tourism ecosystems, Journal of Business Research, 117 (1) 186-196.
Mustak M., Plé L., (2020). A Critical Analysis of Service Ecosystems Research: Rethinking Its Premises to Move Forward', Journal of Services Marketing, 34 (3) 399-413..
Carugati A., MOLA L., Plé L., Lauwers M., Giangreco A., (2020). Exploitation and Exploration of IT in Times of Pandemic: From Dealing with Emergency to Institutionalizing Crisis Practices, European Journal of Information Systems, 29 (6) 762-777.
Plé L., (2017). Why do we need research on value co-destruction?, Journal of Creating Value, 3 (2) 162-169.
Roux B., Plé L., (2017). Business Cooperatives: when does sharing become a drawback?, Journal of Business Strategy, 38 (4) 11-20.
Plé L., (2016). Studying customers’ resource integration by service employees in interactional value co-creation, Journal of Services Marketing, 30 (2) 152 - 164.
Angot J., Plé L., (2015). Serving Poor People in Rich Countries: The Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Business Model Solution, Journal of Business Strategy, 36 (2) 3-15.
Plé L., Lecocq X., (2015). Customers as creative resources: their influence on firm freedom, Journal of Business Strategy, 36 (4) 11-22.
Plé L., (2013). How Does The Customer Fit in Relational Coordination? An Empirical Study in Multichannel Retail Banking, M@na@gement, 16 (1) 1-30.
Leca B., Plé L., (2013). Une épistémologie à hauteur d’homme: l’anthropologie interprétative de Clifford Geertz et son apport potentiel à la recherche francophone en management, Management & Avenir, (60) 35-52.
Angot J., Lecocq X., Plé L., (2010). Le client coconcepteur, coproducteur, codistributeur, L'Expansion Management Review, (136) 108-121.
Plé L., Chumpitaz R., (2010). Not always co-creation: introducing interactional co-destruction of value in Service-Dominant logic, Journal of Services Marketing, 24 (6) 430-437.
Plé L., Lecocq X., Angot J., (2010). Customer-Integrated Business Model: A theoretical framework, M@na@gement, 13 (4) 226-265.
Plé L., (2006). Managing multichannel coordination in retail banking: the impact of customer participation, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24 (5) 327-345.
Plé L., (2005). Quel avenir pour le multicanal bancaire?, Banque & Stratégie, (224) 15-19.
Marois B., Plé L., (2003). Le capital immatériel dans la banque de détail, Banque & Stratégie, (651) 44-49.
- Plé L., Joffre O., Simon E., (2007) Cas en management stratégique: Autour du diagnostic, EMS – Editions Management et Société, Paris.
Chapitres de livres
- Plé L., Köles B., (2021), The Influence of Technology on Business School's Curricula: A Triple Crown Perspective, in: Teaching and Learning in Business School.
- Deltour F., Plé L., Roussel C., (2013), Développement réciproque du capital social et des communautés de pratique en ligne : étude et illustration, in: Impact des réseaux numériques dans les organisations.
- Plé L., Lecocq X., (2012), Intégrer les clients dans le business model , in: Stratégie Clients .
Afficher tout
- Deltour F., Plé L., Roussel C., (2011), Knowledge sharing in the age of web 2.0: A social capital perspective, in: Knowledge Management 2.0: Organizational Models and Enterprise Strategies.
Proceedings dans des conférences à comité de lecture
- Plé L., Demangeot C., (2018), Value Co-Destruction Consequences of Contextualized Interactions Between Online and Offline Deviant Behaviors: An Ecosystemic View, in: Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World , pp..
Executive MBA :
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :