- 2006 : Ph.D. in Applied Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 2003 : Master in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2017 - 2021, Head of Department, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2007 - maintenant, Visiting professor, KU Leuven, Kortrijk, Belgium
- 2007 - 2007, Post Doctoral Researcher (BOF grant), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- 2006 - 2008, Visiting Professor, KU Brussel, ,
Expérience en entreprise :
- 2004 - 2011, Webmaster, Vlamvo, Vlamertinge, Belgium
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2023 : Teaching Excellence Award - Digital, IÉSEG School of Management
- 2021 : Teaching Excellence Award - Master Program, IÉSEG School of Management
- 2019 : Best Teacher Award, Tias Nimbas Business School
- 2016 : Best Teacher Award, Tias Nimbas Business School
- 2012 : Best track paper award., ItAIS conference
- 2011 : One of the 3 nominees for the Best Paper Award, Pre-ICIS Workshop on E-Business
- 2007 : Best paper award., 2nd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Goethals F., Ziegelmayer J. L., (2024). The greening of IT use: The impact of environmental concerns on the use of internet systems, Information Technology and People, 37 (1) 356-373.
Goethals F., Ziegelmayer J. L., (2022). Anxiety Buffers and the Threat of Extreme Automation: A Terror Management Theory Perspective, Information Technology and People, 35 (1) 96-118.
Goethals F., (2017). Exploring the Choice for Default Systems, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 13 (1) 21-38.
Afficher tout
Li L., Goethals F., Baesens B., Snoeck M., (2017). Predicting software revision outcomes on GitHub using structural holes theory, Computer Networks, 114 114-124.
Verbraken T., Goethals F., Verbeke W., Baesens B., (2014). Predicting online channel acceptance using social network data, Decision Support Systems, 63 104-114.
Giangreco A., Goethals F., Maes J., (2013). An Exploration of the Research/Teaching Trade-off in the Perception of Business Students, European Management Review, 10 (2) 69-81.
Goethals F., Leclercq A., Tütüncü Y., (2012). French consumer's perceptions of the unattended delivery model for e-grocery retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19 (1) 133-139.
Dejaeger K., Goethals F., Giangreco A., Mola L., Baesens B., (2012). Gaining insight into student satisfaction using comprehensible data mining techniques, European Journal of Operational Research, 218 (2) 548-562.
Goethals F., (2011). Mindfully innovating your business model, Gestion 2000, 28 (5) 47-61.
Goethals F., Snoeck M., Lemahieu W., (2011). Options in inter-organizational systems integration, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 16 (3) 81-114.
Goethals F., Carugati A., Leclercq A., (2009). Differences in e-Commerce Behavior between Neighboring Countries, Database for advances in information systems, 40 (4) 88-116.
Goethals F., Leclercq A., Carugati A., (2009). On the unexpected differences in media usage in purchasing in France and in Flanders, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 1 (14) 37-74.
Goethals F., (2008). Important Issues for Evaluating Inter-organizational Data Integration Configurations, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 11 (3) 185-196.
Goethals F., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., Vandenbulcke J., (2007). The Data Building Blocks of the Enterprise Architect, Future Generation Computer Systems, 23 (2) 269-274.
Goethals F., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., Vandenbulcke J., (2006). Management and Enterprise Architecture Click, Information Systems Frontiers, 8 (2) 67-79.
Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., Cumps B., (2005). Two Basic Types of Business-to-Business integration, International Journal of E-Business Research, 1 (1) 1-15.
Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., Goethals F., De Backer M., Haesen R., Dedene G., Vandenbulcke J., (2005). Coordinating COTS applications by means of a Business Event layer - Incorporating COTS into the Development Process, IEEE Software, 22 (4) 28-35.
Goethals F., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., (2005). Different flavours of B2B Web services development, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 50 (4) 665-680.
Snoeck M., Lemahieu W., Goethals F., Dedene G., Vandenbulcke J., (2004). Events as Atomic Contracts for Application Integration, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 5 (1) 81-107.
Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., Cumps B., (2004). Extended Enterprise Architecture with the FADEE, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 28 (1-2) 49-66.
- Goethals F., (2014) 20 Trends in Digital Innovations, McGraw-Hill.
Chapitres de livres
- Goethals F., (2022), Ecological Motives to Motivate OTT Video Streaming Subscribers to Reduce Video Quality, in: Digital Science.
- Leroy P., Defert C., Hocquet A., Goethals F., Maes J., (2013), Antecedents of willingness to share information on Enterprise Social Networks , in: Organization change and Information Systems - working and living together in new ways .
- Sermanet L., Goethals F., Carugati A., Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., (2012), Antecedents of children's satisfaction with company websites and their links with brand awareness , in: Measuring Organizational Information Systems Success: New Technologies and Practices .
Afficher tout
- Goethals F., (2012), Perceived Social Influence in Watching Online Theory Presentations , in: BIR 2011 Workshops, LNBIP 106 .
- Verbraken T., Goethals F., Verbeke W., Baesens B., (2012), Using Social Network Classifiers for Predicting E-commerce Adoption , in: E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life.
- Goethals F., Newlands D., (2012), Critical Issues to Consider when Evaluating Inter- Organizational Process Integration Configurations , in: Information systems reengineering for modern business systems.
- Goethals F., Tütüncü Y., Lin C-Y., (2011), Drivers for RFID Implementations , in: Exploring the Grand Challenges for Next Generation E-Business.
- Goethals F., Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, Vandenbulcke Jacques, (2008), Extended Enterprise integration vs. Market B2B integration, in: Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations.
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., (2008), Using Web Services in Business-to-Business integration , in: Electronic Commerce: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications .
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., (2008), Different types of Business-to-Business Integration, in Electronic Commerce: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications, in: Electronic Commerce: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications .
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., (2007), Different types of Business-to-Business Integration, in: E-Business Innovation and Process Management.
- Goethals F., Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, Vandenbulcke Jacques, (2006), Dependencies between Data Decisions in the Software Process, in: Software process change.
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., Snoeck M., (2006), An Overview of Enterprise Architecture Framework Deliverables, in: Enterprise Architecture-An Introduction.
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke J., Lemahieu W., (2005), Using Web Services in Business-to-Business integration, in: E-Collaborations and Virtual Organizations.
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke Jacques, Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, (2004), A framework for managing concurrent business and ICT development, in: Advances in Learning Software Organizations.
- Goethals F., Vandenbulcke Jacques, Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, (2004), Structuring the development of inter-organizational systems, in: Web Information Systems - WISE 2004.
- Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, Michiels Cindy, Goethals F., (2003), An Event Based Approach to Web Service Design and Interaction, in: Web Technologies and Applications.
- Lemahieu Wilfried, Snoeck Monique, Michiels Cindy, Goethals F., Dedene Guido, Vandenbulcke Jacques, (2003), Event Based Web Service Description and Coordination, in: Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web.
- Michiels Cindy, Snoeck Monique, Lemahieu Wilfried, Goethals F., (2003), A Layered Architecture Sustaining Model-Driven and Event-Driven Software Development, in: Perspectives of System Informatics.
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
- Management of information systems
- Competences bureautiques 1796
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Ops and mis research seminar
- Trends in digital innovations
- Mis strategy and company observation
MSc in Fashion management :
- Information systems for the fashion industry
MSc in International Business :
- Trends in digital innovations
Post graduate program :