François MAON

François MAON
Full Professor
Ph.D. in Management Sciences - Louvain School of Management
Filière : Strategy and Sustainability
Membre du LEM
  • 2010 : Ph.D. in Management Sciences, Louvain School of Management, Belgium
  • 2007 : MSc in Management and Economic Sciences, Louvain School of Management, Belgium
  • 2005 : Master in Business Engineering, Institut d'Administration et de Gestion,University catholique of Louvain, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2018 - 2018, Visiting researcher, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 2009 - 2010, Guest lecturer / Adjunct professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2008 - 2009, Visiting researcher, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • 2006 - 2010, FSR Researcher, Louvain School of Management, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
  • 2005 - 2006, Research and teaching assistant, Louvain School of Management, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
  • 2019 : Best paper award - CSRCOM 2019 conference, Stockholm School of Economics
  • 2014 : Nominated for the "Best paper in the history of corporate social responsibility award", Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Social Issues in Management Division
  • 2010 : Nominated for best paper of the year 2009, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
  • 2008 : Nominated for best paper of the SIM division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Social Issues in Management Division
  • 2009 : Honorary fellowship, Belgian American Education Foundation
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Joseph J., Maon F., Berti M., (2024). Organizing for peace: The organizational behaviors of business in conflict, Business Horizons, / (forthcoming) /.
  • Belkhouja M., Yoon H., Maon F., (2022). Tell me where you belong, I might cite your work: Affiliation origins, legitimation efforts, and the citation of team-produced research in business and management scholarship, M@n@gement, 25 (1) 49-65.
  • Serres C., Hudon M., Maon F., (2022). Social corporations under the spotlight: A governance perspective, Journal of Business Venturing, 37 (3) 106192.
Afficher tout
  • Vallaster C., Maon F., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., (2021). Serving multiple masters: The role of micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities in addressing tensions in for-profit hybrid organizations, Organization Studies, 42 (6) 911-947.
  • Maon F., Swaen V., De Roeck K., (2021). Corporate branding and corporate social responsibility: Toward a multi-stakeholder interpretive perspective, Journal of Business Research, 126 (March) 64-77.
  • Di Benedetto C. A., Lindgreen A., Belkhouja M., Yoon D. H., Maon F., Nunkoo R., (2021). Examining the evolution of citations and team composition in Industrial Marketing Management, Industrial Marketing Management, 97 (1) A14-A19.
  • Munten P., Vanhamme J., Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2021). Addressing Tensions in Coopetition for Sustainable Innovation: Insights from the Automotive Industry, Journal of Business Research, 136 (November) 10-20.
  • Maon F., Vanhamme Joëlle, De Roeck Kenneth, Lindgreen Adam, Swaen V., (2019). The dark side of stakeholder reactions to corporate social responsibility: Tensions and micro-level undesirable outcomes, International Journal of Management Reviews, 21 (2) 209-230.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., (2019). Editorial: Organization and Management Paradoxes, International Journal of Management Reviews, 21 (2) 139-142.
  • De Roeck K., Maon F., (2018). Building the theoretical puzzle of employees’ reactions to corporate social responsibility: An integrative conceptual framework and research agenda, Journal of Business Ethics, 149 (3) 609-625.
  • Fortis Z., Maon F., Frooman J., Reiner G., (2018). Unknown knowns and known unknowns: Framing the role of organizational learning in corporate social responsibility development, International Journal of Management Reviews, 20 (2) 277-300.
  • Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2017). One vision, different paths: An investigation of corporate social responsibility initiatives in Europe, Journal of Business Ethics, 143 (2) 405-422.
  • Mzembe A., Lindgreen A., Maon F., Vanhamme J., (2016). Investigating the drivers of corporate social responsibility in the global tea supply chain: A case study of Eastern Produce Limited in Malawi, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 23 (3) 165-178.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., (2015). Reclaiming the child left behind: The case for corporate cultural responsibility, Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (4) 755-766.
  • Reast J., Maon F., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J, (2013). Legitimacy-seeking organizational strategies in controversial industries: A case study analysis and a bidimensional model, Journal of Business Ethics, 118 (1) 139-153.
  • De Roeck K., Maon F., Lejeune C., (2013). Taking up the challenge of corporate branding: An integrative framework, European Management Review, 10 (3) 137-151.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Reast J., Yani-De-Soriano M., (2012). Guest editorial: Corporate social responsibility in controversial industry sectors, Journal of Business Ethics, 110 (4) 393-395.
  • Lindgreen A., Xu Y.T, Maon F., Wilcock J., (2012). Corporate social responsibility brand leadership: A multiple case study, European Journal of Marketing, 46 (7/8) 965-993.
  • Vallaster C., Lindgreen A., Maon F., (2012). Strategically leveraging corporate social responsibility: A corporate branding perspective, California Management Review, 54 (3) 34-60.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2010). Organizational stages and cultural phases: A critical review and a consolidative model of corporate social responsibility development, International Journal of Management Reviews, 12 (1) 20-38.
  • Reast J., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., Maon F., (2010). The Manchester super casino: Experience and learning in a cross-sector social partnership, Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (1) 197-218.
  • Lindgreen A., Cordoba-Pachon J.r., Maon F., Mendoza J.M., (2010). Corporate social responsibility in Colombia: making sense of social strategies, Journal of Business Ethics, 91 (2) 229-242.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Swaen V., (2009). Guest editorial: Corporate social responsibility in supply chains, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14 (2) 71-74.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., (2009). Developing supply chains in disaster relief operations through cross-sector socially oriented collaborations: A theoretical model, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14 (2) 149-164.
  • Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2009). Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility: A framework grounded in theory and practice, Journal of Business Ethics, 87 (1s) 71-89.
  • Lindgreen A., Swaen V., Maon F., (2009). Guest editorial: Corporate Social Responsibility Within the Organization, Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (2) 83-86.
  • Maon F., (2009). De la rhétorique à la pratique: Les défis de l’intégration organisationnelle des principes de responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 4 (48) 23-36.
  • Lindgreen A., Swaen V., Maon F., (2009). Guest editorial: Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation, Journal of Business Ethics, 85 (2s) 251-256.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2008). Thinking of the organization as a system: The role of managerial perceptions in developing a corporate social responsibility strategic agenda, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 25 (3) 413-426.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Vallaster C., Yousafzai S., Palacios Florencio B., (2019) Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Discovering, Creating and Seizing Opportunities for Blended Value Generation, Routledge, London.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Vanhamme J., Palacios Florencio B., Vallaster C., Strong C., (2018) Engaging With Stakeholders A Relational Perspective on Responsible Business, Taylor & Francis Group | Routledge, Oxford.
  • Borland H., Lindgreen A., Maon F., Vanhamme J., Ambrosini V., Palacios Florencio B., (2018) Business Strategies for Sustainability, Routledge, London.
Afficher tout
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., Angell R., Memery J., (2018) Not All Claps and Cheers: Humor in Business and Society Relationships, Routledge, London.
  • Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., Maon F., Mardon R., (2017) Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Era, Routledge, Oxford.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Sen S., Vanhamme J., (2013) Sustainable value chain management: Analyzing, designing, implementing, and monitoring for social and environmental responsibility, Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
  • Kotler P., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., Maon F., (2012) A stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation , Gower Publishing, Aldershot.
Chapitres de livres
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., (2023), (Corporate) Ethical Branding, in: Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2021), Developing a sustainability strategic agenda, in: Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., (2018), How to take the joke: Strategic uses and roles of humor in counter-corporate social movements, in: Not All Claps and Cheers: Humor in Business and Society Relationships.
Afficher tout
  • Reast J., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., Maon F., (2018), The Manchester Super Casino: Experience and learning in a cross-sector social partnership (reprint), in: Engaging With Stakeholders: A Relational Perspective on Responsible Business.
  • Lindgreen A., Maon F., Vallaster C., (2016), Building Brands via Corporate Social Responsibility, in: The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management.
  • Maon F., (2015), Commanded aspirations and half-hearted enactment: The (yet) unfulfilled promises of French-style CSR, in: Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe - United in Sustainable Diversity.
  • Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2012), Corporate social responsibility as a continuous multi-stakeholder co-construction process, in: Stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2011), Organizational stages and cultural phases: A critical review and a consolidative model of corporate social responsibility development  (reprint), in: Corporate social responsibility - Critical perspectives on business and management .
  • Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2010), Impact of CSR Commitments and CSR Communication on Diverse Stakeholders: The Case of IKEA, in: Global Challenges in Responsible Business: Corporate Responsibility and Strategy.
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2010), Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility: an integrative framework grounded in theory and practice (reprint), in: Globalization and the good corporation.
  • Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2009), Mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility: A Triadic Challenge from a General Management Perspective, in: Professionals' Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility .
Domaine de Recherche
  • Organizational change for CSR and sustainability; Organizational learning for CSR and sustainability; Corporate branding and identity; Stakeholder engagement practices; Stakeholder influence processes; Cross-sector social partnerships; Business and counter-capitalist movements
Bachelor in International Business :
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Perspectives on international business ethics
Executive MBA :
  • Creating sustainable value
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Fundamentals of strategy
  • Business ethics
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Ent strategy and company observation
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • Compétences managériales et leadership 1
HOPE Program :
  • Creating sustainable value