- 2005 : Ph.D. in Economics, Oregon State University, USA
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2023 - maintenant, Full Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2017 - 2023, Associate Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2013 - maintenant, Head of Department, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2010 - 2017, Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2008 - 2010, Research Associate, University of Luxembourg and the Central Bank of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
- 2006 - 2008, Lecturer, The State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, USA
- 2005 - 2006, Lecturer, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
- 2001 - 2005, Teaching and Research Assistant, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2004 : Outstanding Graduate Student Award (exceptional scholar), Oregon State University
- 2003 : Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award, Oregon State University
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Li L., Boussemart J.-P., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., (2025). Assessing the Potential of Digital Technology: An Integrated Measurement of Economic, Environmental, and Social Performance, Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming (.) N/A.
Dong K., Jiang Q., Liu Y., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., (2024). Is energy aid allocated fairly? A global energy vulnerability perspective, World Development, 173 (n/a) 106409.
Deng H., Lyu B., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., (2024). Research and development expenditures, technology spillovers, and green productivity in agriculture: an empirical analysis, Post-Communist Economies, 36 (3) 360-381.
Afficher tout
Niu Y., Boussemart J.-P., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., (2024). Performance evaluation using multi-stage production frameworks: assessing the tradeoffs among the economic, environmental, and social well-being, European Journal of Operational Research, 318 (3) 1000-1013.
Du J., Gu H., Shen Z., Song M., Vardanyan M., (2024). Assessing Regional Energy Security Characteristics: Evidence from Chinese Province-Level Data, Energy Economics, 140 (2024) 107964.
Cheng W., Ouyang X., Yu A., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., (2024). Subjective Perceptions versus Objective Outcomes: Assessing the Impact of Smart City Pilots on Environmental Quality in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 209 (2024) 123799.
Du J., Shen Z., Song M., Vardanyan M., (2023). The role of green financing in facilitating renewable energy transition in China: perspectives from energy governance, environmental regulation, and market reforms, Energy Economics, 120 (2023) 106595.
Di D., Li G., Shen Z., Song M., Vardanyan M., (2023). Environmental credit constraints and pollution reduction: Evidence from China’s blacklisting system for environmental fraud, Ecological Economics, 210 (2023) 107870.
Li L., Shen Z., Song M., Vardanyan M., (2023). Public Expenditure, Green Finance, and Environmental Governance: Evidence From China, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 28 (5) 859-873.
Song M., Pan H., Vardanyan M., Shen Z., (2023). Evaluating the energy efficiency-enhancing potential of the digital economy: Evidence from China, Journal of Environmental Management, 344 (2023) 118408.
Cai J., Zheng H., Vardanyan M., Shen Z., (2023). Achieving carbon neutrality through green technological progress: evidence from China, Energy Policy, 173 (2023) 113397.
Shen Z., Baležentis T., Vardanyan M., (2022). Evaluating green productivity gains with the exponential by-production technology: An analysis of the Chinese industrial sector, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 27 (5) 759-770.
Vardanyan M., Valdmanis V., Leleu H., Ferrier G., (2022). Estimating Technology Characteristics of the U.S. Hospital Industry Using Directional Distance Functions with Optimal Directions, Omega, 113 (December 2022) 102716.
Shen Z., Li J., Vardanyan M., Wang B., (2022). Nonparametric shadow pricing of non-performing loans: a study of the Chinese banking sector, Annals of Operations Research, X (X) X.
Shen Z., Vardanyan Michael, Baležentis Tomas, Wang Jianlin, (2021). Analyzing the Tradeoff between the Economic and Environmental Performance: the Case of the Chinese Manufacturing Sector, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming (X) X.
Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H., Shen Z., Vardanyan M., Zhu Ning, (2019). Decomposing banking performance into economic and credit risk efficiencies, European Journal of Operational Research, 277 (2) 719-726.
Ferrier G., Leleu H., Valdmanis V., Vardanyan M., (2018). A Directional Distance Function Approach for Identifying the Input/Output Status of Medical Residents, Applied Economics, 50 (9) 1006-1021.
Färe R., Pasurka C., Vardanyan M., (2017). On Endogenizing Direction Vectors in Parametric Directional Distance Function-Based Models, European Journal of Operational Research, 262 361-369.
Färe R., Vardanyan M., (2016). A note on Parameterizing Input Distance Functions: Does the Choice of a Functional Form Matter?, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 45 (2) 121-130.
Chambers R., Färe R., Grosskopf S., Vardanyan M., (2013). Generalized Quadratic Revenue Functions, Journal of Econometrics, 173 (1) 11-21.
Guarda P., Rouabah A., Vardanyan M., (2013). Identifying Bank Outputs and Inputs with a Directional Technology Distance Function, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40 (2) 185-195.
Färe R., Carlos Martins-Filho C., Vardanyan M., (2010). On Functional Form Representation of Multi-Output Production Technologies, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33 (2) 81-96.
Vardanyan M., Noh D.-W., (2006). Approximating the Cost of Pollution Abatement via Alternative Specifications of a Multi-Output Production Technology: a Case of the U.S. Electric Utility Industry, Journal of Environmental Management, 80 (2) 177-190.
Vardanyan M., Tremblay V., (2006). The Measurement of Marketing Efficiency in the Presence of Spillovers: Theory and Evidence, Managerial and Decision Economics, 27 (5) 319-331.
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Economics and business research seminar
International MBA :
MSc in Fashion management :
- Quantitative methods and data analysis