Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Business Economics - KU Leuven
Filière : Marketing
  • 2014 : Ph.D. in Business Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2007 : Doctoral School training programme certificate, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2005 : MSc in Business Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2014 - 2017, Academic co-director of the Master in International Business , IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2011 - maintenant, Assistant professor of marketing, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
  • 2010 : Best Paper Award Nomination, Nominated into the competition for Best Paper Based on a Doctoral Dissertation Award EMAC
  • 2010 : Doctoral Colloquium, European Marketing Academy Doctoral Colloquium Fellow
  • 2010 : American Marketing Association Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Claus B., (2024). A Book Review of “Material Matters: Developing Business for a Circular Economy” by Thomas Rau and Sabine Oberhuber (2022)., Journal of Industrial Ecology, 28 (2024) 1336-1338.
  • Claus B., Warlop L., (2022). The Car Cushion Hypothesis: Bigger Cars Lead to More Risk Taking - Evidence from Behavioural Data, Journal of Consumer Policy, 45 (2022) 331-342.
  • Fritze M. P., Benkenstein M., Belk R. W., Peck J., Wirtz J., Claus B., (2021). Commentaries on the Sharing Economy: Advancing New Perspectives, Journal of Service Management Research, 5 (1) 3-19.
Afficher tout
  • Claus B., Geyskens K., Millet K., Dewitte S., (2012). The Referral Backfire Effect: The Identity Threatening Nature of Referral Failure, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29 (4) 370-379.
Chapitres de livres
  • Bartsch F., Claus B., (2022), The Dark Side of Brand Co-Creation: A Psychological Ownership Perspective., in: Research Handbook on Brand Co-creation: Theory, practice, and ethical implications..
Proceedings dans des conférences à comité de lecture
  • Claus B., Vanhouche Wouter, Dewitte Siegfried, Warlop Luk, (2015), The tree is mine, the forest isn’t: the construal level of possessions, in: Collaboration in Research European Marketing Academy (EMAC), pp.110.
  • Claus B., Warlop L., (2013), At risk of feeling too safe: Risk compensation in consumers, in: European Advance in Consumer Research Volume 10 Association for Consumer Research, pp..
  • Claus B., Vanhouche W., Dewitte S., Warlop L., (2013), The things you own come with free blinkers: The construal level of possessions, in: European Advances in Consumer Research Volume 10 Association for Consumer Research, pp..
  • Claus B., Warlop L., (2013), At Risk of Feeling too Safe: Risk Compensation in Consumers, in: Conference Advances in Consumer Psychology Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.94 - 96.
  • Claus B., Geyskens K., Millet K., Dewitte S., (2012), The Referral Backfire Effect: The Identity Threatening Nature of Referral Failure., in: Marketing in the Socially-Networked World Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant & Resurgent Markets American Marketing Association, pp.206-207.
  • Claus Bart, Vanhouche Wouter, Dewitte Siegfried, Warlop Luk, (2012), Walk a Mile in MY Shoes: Psychological Ownership and Psychological Distance, in: Advances in Consumer Research Volume 40 Association for Consumer Research, pp.1067-1068.
  • Claus Bart, Warlop Luk, (2012), Being too Cosy: Risk Compensation in Consumer Settings, in: Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference European Marketing Academy (EMAC), pp.239-239.
  • Claus Bart, Warlop Luk, (2010), Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Differences in Social Efficacy Affect the Perceived Efficacy of Anthropomorphizable Products, in: Advances in Consumer Research - North American Proceedings Association for Consumer Research, pp.p.779.
  • Claus Bart, Geyskens Kelly, Millet Kobe, Dewitte Siegfried, (2010), Stimulating Referral May Backfire - The Effect of Referral Failure on Susceptibility to External Influence, in: Society for Consumer Psychology Annual Winter Conference Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.150-151.
  • Claus Bart, Warlop Luk, (2010), Once bitten, twice shy: Attitudes towards humans spill over to anthropomorphizable products, in: Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference European Marketing Academy (EMAC), pp..
  • Claus Bart, Warlop Luk, (2010), Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Differences in Social Efficacy Affect the Perceived Efficacy of Anthropomorphizable Products., in: Conference Advances in Consumer Psychology Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.177-178.
  • Claus Bart, Geyskens Kelly, Millet Kobe, Dewitte Siegfried, (2009), The Referral Backfire Effect: Referral failure may backfire, in: Advances in Consumer Psychology Volume 1 Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.250.
Domaines de Recherche
  • Choice architecture
  • Consumer Identities
  • Ownership and the sharing economy
  • Shopper behavior
  • New technologies
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Marketing management
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Services marketing
  • Marketing research methodology
  • Consumer behavior
MSc in Fashion management :
  • Customer psychology and consumer behaviour
MSc in International Business :
  • Network economy