- 2013 : Ph.D. in Marketing, Applied Economic Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium
- 2008 : Master, Business Administration, Marketing, University College Ghent, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2008 - 2012, Research Assistant/PhD student, University College Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2018 : ANZMAC 2018 Best paper in the Consumer Behavior track award, ANZMAC
- 2017 : Paper selected for the ICORIA 2017 Best Student Paper Award , Ghent University
- 2012 : placed in top 20 of the Best paper of the conference based on a doctoral dissertation award, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 41th Conference
- 2011 : Best paper of the Conference based on a doctoral dissertation, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 40th Conference
- 2015 : Paper rated as one of the top 10 papers in the Consumer Behavior track of the EMAC 2015 Conference, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 44th Conference
- 2010 : EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Consumer Behavior Fellow, EIASM
- 2009 : EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methods in Marketing Fellow, EIASM
- 2009 : European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 22nd Doctoral Colloquium Fellow, Audencia Business School
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Heuvinck N., (2024). Comment les supermarchés et vos sens trompent vos choix alimentaires (sains), Survey Magazine, T4 2024 (8665) 15-16.
Gentina E., De Kerviler G., Heuvinck N., (2024). Comment positionner une marque de luxe comme éthique, Survey Magazine, T4 2024 (8665) 17-19.
De Kerviler G., Heuvinck N., Jöerling M., (2024). Demain, nos avocats seront des IA… : la question de la moralité des IA dans le domaine juridique, Survey Magazine, T2 2024 (8664) 87-88.
Afficher tout
Li Y., Heuvinck N., Pandelaere M., (2022). The Light = Healthy Intuition, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (2) 326-335.
De Kerviler G., Heuvinck N., Gentina E., (2022). “Make an Effort and Show me the Love” Effects of Indexical and Iconic Authenticity Cues on Perceived Brand Ethicality, Journal of Business Ethics, 179 (2) 89-110.
Cornelis Erlinde, Heuvinck N., Majmundar Anuja, (2020). The Ambivalence Story: Using Refutation to Counter the Negative Effects of Ambivalence in Two-sided Messages, International Journal of Advertising, 39 (3) 410-432.
Van den Bergh B., Heuvinck N., Schellekens G., Vermeir I., (2016). Altering speed of locomotion, Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (3) 407-428.
- Charry K., Coussement K., Demoulin N., Heuvinck N., (2016) Marketing Research with IBM SPSS Statistics, Routledge, London.
Proceedings dans des conférences à comité de lecture
- Majmundar Anuja, Cornelis Erlinde, Heuvinck N., (2017), Same Same, But Different: How Refutational Two-Sided Messages Steer Ambivalent Attitudes , in: Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45 Association for Consumer Research, pp.769-770.
- Heuvinck N., Vermeir I., Quaschning S., (2012), Size matters! - The effect of floor tiles size on consumer behavior in a retail environment, in: Advances in Consumer Research Volume 40 Association for Consumer Research, pp.1122-1122.
- Heuvinck N., Geuens M., Vermeir I., (2011), The good, the bad, and the certain - When ambivalent attitudes affect intention differently, in: Advances in Consumer Research Volume 39 Association for Consumer Research, pp.425-426.
- Heuvinck N., Vermeir I., Geuens M., (2011), When knowing is better than expecting - Resolving different types of ambivalence by (biased) information processing and spreading word-of-mouth, in: Advances in consumer Research Volume 39 Association for Consumer Research, pp.423-424.
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Strategic marketing research
- Marketing research methodology