- 2016 : Ph.D., Management Sciences, Marketing, HEC Montréal, Canada
- 2010 : Master, Management Sciences, Marketing, ESCP Europe, France
- 2007 : Agregation, History and Geography, Geography, University of Paris-Nanterre La Défense, France
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2019 - maintenant, Associate Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2017 - 2019, Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2015 - 2017, Assistant Professor, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France
- 2012 - 2015, Lecturer, HEC Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2016 : Teaching excellence award, Montpellier Business School
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Boeuf B., Flipo C., (2025). BYD’s Road to Global Leadership: Factors and Challenges in Establishing a Chinese World-Class Brand in Electric Vehicles, Journal of International Business Education, 19 (NA) NA.
Aljukhadar M., Boeuf B., Sénécal S., (2021). Does consumer ethnocentrism impact international shopping? A theory of social class divide, Psychology and Marketing, 38 (5) 735-744.
Boeuf B., (2020). Boys do not cry: The negative effects of brand masculinity on brand emotions, Marketing Letters, 31 (2) 247-264.
Afficher tout
Boeuf B., (2019). Political ideology and health risk perceptions of food, Social Science & Medicine, 236 (1) 1-7.
Boeuf B., (2019). The impact of mortality anxiety on attitude toward product innovation, Journal of Business Research, 104 (1) 44-60.
Boeuf B., Carrillat François, d'Astous Alain, (2018). Interference effects in competitive sponsorship clutter, Psychology and Marketing, 35 968-979.
Boeuf B., Darveau Jessica, (2017). An ethical perspective on necro-advertising: the moderating effect of brand equity, Journal of Business Ethics, 155 (4) 1077-1099.
Boeuf B., Darveau Jessica, (2017). Posting from beyond the grave: an autopsy of consumer attitudes toward promotional communication in a posthumous context, International Journal of Research in Marketing, .
Boeuf B., (2017). The impact of death on consumer responses to celebrity endorser misbehavior, Psychology and Marketing, 34 (10) 917-930.
Boeuf B., Darveau Jessica, Legoux Renaud, (2014). Financing creativity: the crowdfunding as a new approach for theater projects, International Journal of Arts Management, 16 (3) 33-48.
Andreani Jean-Claude, Moulins Jean-Louis, Conchon Françoise, Pons Céline, Boeuf B., (2014). A protean approach of trust: the case of drugs, Décisions Marketing, 75 (3) 79-94.
Boeuf B., Sénécal Sylvain, (2013). Online international outshopping experience: proposition of a research model, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 28 (3) 114-124.
Andreani J.-C., Conchon Françoise, Moulins Jean-Louis, Bascoul Ganaël, Boeuf B., Fouquet Isabelle, (2010). Brand architecture: of relationship between product brand and corporate brand, Journal of Marketing Trends, 1 (4) 17-37.
Chapitres de livres
- Boeuf B., Darveau Jessica, (2017), Don’t disturb the dead: consumers’ attitude toward promotional messages on post-mortem facebook pages, in: Advances in Advertising Research VIII.