Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Marketing - University of Paris Dauphine
Academic Director
Filière : Marketing
Filière : Marketing
- 2023 : Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Paris Dauphine, France
- 2017 : Master Recherche , mention " Études et théorie des organisations", IAE of Paris, France
- 1985 : Master, Management Sciences, Management, ESCP Europe, France
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2022 - maintenant, Academic director Executive MBA track, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2022 - maintenant, MBA Hub co-director, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2021 - maintenant, Senior professor of practice, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2019 - 2023, Academic director Executive Mastère Direction Commerciale et business development, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2019 - 2021, Professor of practice, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2017 - maintenant, Lecturer, ESCP Europe, , France
- 2016 - 2017, Lecturer, IAE of Paris, Paris, France
- 2016 - 2016, Professor, Ecole 2089 NOW, Besançon, France
Expérience en entreprise :
- 2016 - maintenant, Présidente, Actinaria, PARIS, France
- 2013 - 2016, directrice marketing et communication , Hygena, ,
- 2011 - 2012, directrice commerciale et marketing , Carglass, ,
- 1988 - 2010, Plusieurs postes en VENTE/RH/MARKETING , Philips, ,
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2010 : CHEVALIER DE LA LEGION D'HONNEUR, Légion d'Honneur