Theodora BERMPEI

Theodora BERMPEI
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Finance - University of Sussex
Filière : Finance
Membre du LEM
  • 2016 : Ph.D. in Finance, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2023 - maintenant, Associate Professor in Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2020 - 2023, Associate Professor in Finance, University of Essex, , United Kingdom
  • 2017 - 2020, Assistant Professor, University of Essex, , United Kingdom
  • 2015 - 2017, Assistant Professor, Nottingham University Business School, ,
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Triantafyllou T., Bermpei Theodora, Bakas D., Megaritis A., (2025). The Impact of Term Spread Volatility on Economic Activity, Economics Letters, 247 (112190) 1-6.
  • Triantafyllou Athanasios, Bermpei Theodora, (2024). The determinants of marginal convenience yield in agricultural commodity markets, Journal of Futures Markets, N/A (N/A) N/A.
  • Bermpei T., Zingales J.L., (2024). Local Public Corruption and Corporate Debt Concentration: Evidence from US firms, The European Journal of Finance, 30 (15) 1703-1727.
Afficher tout
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Christrofi C.H., (2024). Lenders’ culture and the pricing of public corruption in corporate loans: Evidence from the United States, The European Journal of Finance, 30 (14) 1642-1675.
  • BERMPEI T., Triantafyllou Athanasios, Karadimitropoulou Aikaterini, Ferrara Laurent, (2024). Commodity currencies revisited: The role of global commodity price uncertainty, Journal of International Money and Finance, 145 (103096) 1-19.
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Wolfe S., (2023). Does IRS Monitoring Matter for the Cost of Bank Loans?, Journal of Financial Services Research, NA (NA) 1-36.
  • Bermpei T., Karadimitropoulou A., Triantafyllou T., Alshalahi J., (2023). Does commodity price uncertainty matter for the cost of credit? Evidence from developing and advanced economies, Journal of Commodity Markets, 29 (NA) 100306.
  • Bermpei T., Degl’Innocenti M., Kalyvas A. N., Zhou S., (2023). Lender individualism and monitoring: Evidence from syndicated loans, Journal of Financial Stability, 66 (NA) 101123.
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Neri L., Russo A., (2022). Does economic policy uncertainty matter for financial reporting quality? Evidence from the United States, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 58 (NA) 795–845.
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Leonida L., (2020). Local Public Corruption and Bank Lending Activity in the United States, Journal of Business Ethics, 171 (NA) 73-98.
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Neri L., Russo A., (2019). Will Strangers Help you Enter? The Effect of Foreign Bank Presence on New Firm Entry, Journal of Financial Services Research, 56 (NA) 1-38.
  • Bermpei T., Kalyvas A. N., Nguyen T. C., (2018). Does institutional quality condition the effect of bank regulations and supervision on bank stability? Evidence from emerging and developing economies, International Review of Financial Analysis, 59 (NA) 255-275.
  • Bermpei T., Mamatzakis E., (2016). What is the effect of unconventional monetary policy on bank performance?, Journal of International Money and Finance, 67 (NA) 239-263.
  • Bermpei T., Mamatzakis E., (2015). The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of US Investment Banks, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 24 (2-3) 191-239.
  • Bermpei T., Mamatzakis E., (2014). What drives investment bank performance? The role of risk, liquidity and fees prior to and during the crisis., International Review of Financial Analysis, 35 (NA) 102-117.
Chapitres de livres
  • Bermpei T., (2024), Political corruption and the banking sector, in: Welcome to Encyclopedia of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets and Banking.
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Digital corporate finance
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Empirical finance