- 2015 : Ph.D. in Marketing, European Business School, Germany
- 2013 : Master, Automotive Management, European Business School, Germany
- 2013 : MBA, KATZ Business School, USA
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2023 - maintenant, Associate Professor of Digital Marketing, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2017 - 2023, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg, Netherlands
- 2015 - 2023, Adjunct Faculty, Aalto University Executive Education , Helsinki, Finland
- 2015 - 2016, Adjunct Faculty, Management Center Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
- 2015 - 2016, Post-Doc, Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland
- 2015 - 2017, Recurring Visiting Scholar, Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics, Philadelphia, USA
Expérience en entreprise :
- 2013 - 2015, Senior Associate, ESCH. The Brand Consultants, Saarlouis, Germany
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2024 : JSR Best Paper Award - Finalist, Journal of Service Research
- 2021 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Master), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2021 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Bachelor), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2020 : Best Teacher Award in Bachelor Courses 2018-2019, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2019 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Bachelor), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2019 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Master), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2018 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Bachelor), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2018 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Master), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2018 : Best Paper in Track “Understanding & Managing the Customer Experience”, AMA Conference
- 2018 : Best SERVSIG Conference Paper Award, SERVSIG
- 2017 : Best Teacher Award in Bachelor Courses 2016-2017, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2017 : Excellence in Teaching Award (Bachelor), Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2017 : Best Teacher IBA Program, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
- 2013 : Arnd Schikowsky Award, KATZ Business School
- 2014 : EMAC Doctoral Colloquium Fellow, EMAC - European Marketing Academy
- 2013 : Honoree for Outstanding Leadership, KATZ Business School
- 2013 : Beta Gamma Sigma, KATZ Business School
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Merfeld K., Klein J. F., Riegger A.-S., Regt A., Henkel S., (2025). In-Store Technology Personalization: A Typology and Research Agenda Based on Type of Automation and Data Collection, Journal of Business Research, Forthcoming (TBD) TBD.
Terpoorten C., Klein J. F., Merfeld K., (2024). Understanding the B2B Customer Journey for Complex Digital Services: The Case of Cloud Computing, Industrial Marketing Management, 119 (May 2024) 178-192.
Grossmann C., Merfeld K., Klein J. F., Foeller F., Henkel S., (2024). Onto the light side of sharing: Using the force of blockchain, Journal of Business Research, 175 (2024) 114507.
Afficher tout
Gahler M., Klein J. F., Paul M., (2023). Customer Experience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application in Omnichannel Environments, Journal of Service Research, 26 (2) 191-211.
Riegger A.-S., Merfeld K., Klein J. F., Henkel S., (2022). Technology-enabled personalization: Impact of smart technology choice on consumer shopping behavior, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181 (1) 121752.
KLEIN J. F., Merfeld K., Wilhelms M.-P., Falk T., Henkel S., (2022). Buying to share: How prosumption promotes purchases in peer-to-peer asset sharing, Journal of Business Research, 143 (2022) 171-183.
Gahler M., KLEIN J. F., Paul M., (2021). Customer Experience Tracking im Handel: Echtzeitmessungen Wirksam Implementieren, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2021 (5) 18-25.
Riegger A.-S., KLEIN J. F., Merfeld K., Henkel S., (2021). Technology-enabled personalization in retail stores: Understanding drivers and barriers, Journal of Business Research, 123 (2021) 140-155.
Wittkowski K., KLEIN J. F., Falk T., Schepers J. J. L., Aspara J., Bergner K. N., (2020). What Gets Measured Gets Done: Can Self-Tracking Technologies Enhance Advice Compliance?, Journal of Service Research, 23 (3) 281-298.
KLEIN J. F., Zhang Y., Falk T., Aspara J., Luo X., (2020). Customer journey analyses in digital media: exploring the impact of cross-media exposure on customers' purchase decisions, Journal of Service Management (formerly IJSIM), 31 (3) 489-508.
Aspara J., KLEIN J. F., Luo X., Tikkanen H., (2018). The Dilemma of Service Productivity and Service Innovation, Journal of Service Research, 21 (2) 249-262.
Buechel B., KLEIN J. F., (2016). Restrictions in Spatial Competition: The Effects on Firms and Consumers, Homo Oeconomicus, 33 (1-2) 157-172.
Klein J. F., Falk T., Esch F.-R., Gloukhovtsev A., (2016). Linking pop-up brand stores to brand experience and word of mouth: The case of luxury retail, Journal of Business Research, 69 (12) 5761-5767.
Chapitres de livres
- Esch F.-R., KLEIN J. F., Knoerle C., Schmitt M., (2016), Strategie und Steuerung des Customer Touchpoint Management, in: Handbuch Controlling der Kommunikation.
- Esch F.-R., KLEIN J. F., Knoerle C., Schmitt M., (2014), Customer Touchpoint Management für Corporate Brands umsetzen, in: Corporate Brand Management.