- 2021 : Ph.D., Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Pakistan
- 2013 : Master, Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, Capital University of Science & Information Technology, Pakistan
- 2010 : Bachelor, Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, University of Malakand, Pakistan
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2017 : Indigenous Scholarship for PhD studies., Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Dar N., Ahmad S, Badar Kamal B., Kundi Y. M., (2024). Unraveling the link between innovative work behavior and despotic leadership: the roles of supervisor conflict and dispositional resistance to change trait, International Journal of Conflict Management, 35 (4) 816-834.
Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Umrani, W.A., (2024). Leader-member exchange and discretionary work behaviors: the mediating role of perceived psychological safety, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45 (4) 636-650.
Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Umrani W.A., (2024). Leader-member exchange and discretionary work behaviors: the mediating role of perceived psychological safety, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45 (4) 636-650.
Afficher tout
Dar N., Usman M., Ghani U., Cheng, J., (2023). Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious Faith Encourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors to Express More Guilt and Perform Better., Journal of Business Ethics, 187 (187) 371–383.
Ahmad S., Dar N., Rahman, Wali R. W., (2023). Does religiosity matter in the workplace? A moderated-mediated examination of abusive supervision, revenge and deviance, International Journal of Conflict Management, 34 (5) 865-886.
Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Somroo, S.A., (2023). Leader–member exchange and innovative work behavior: a 2-1-1 model, Management Decision, 61 (9) 2629-2644.
Dar N., Ahmad S., Rahman R. W., (2022). How and when overqualification improves innovative work behaviour: the roles of creative self-confidence and psychological safety, Personnel Review, 51 (9) 2461-2481.