Nasib DAR

Nasib DAR
Post Doctoral Researcher
Filière : Human Resource Management
  • 2021 : Ph.D., Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Pakistan
  • 2013 : Master, Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, Capital University of Science & Information Technology, Pakistan
  • 2010 : Bachelor, Management Sciences, Human Resource Management, University of Malakand, Pakistan
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
  • 2017 : Indigenous Scholarship for PhD studies., Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Dar N., Ahmad S, Badar Kamal B., Kundi Y. M., (2024). Unraveling the link between innovative work behavior and despotic leadership: the roles of supervisor conflict and dispositional resistance to change trait, International Journal of Conflict Management, 35 (4) 816-834.
  • Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Umrani, W.A., (2024). Leader-member exchange and discretionary work behaviors: the mediating role of perceived psychological safety, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45 (4) 636-650.
  • Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Umrani W.A., (2024). Leader-member exchange and discretionary work behaviors: the mediating role of perceived psychological safety, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45 (4) 636-650.
Afficher tout
  • Dar N., Usman M., Ghani U., Cheng, J., (2023). Social Undermining at the Workplace: How Religious Faith Encourages Employees Who are Aware of Their Social Undermining Behaviors to Express More Guilt and Perform Better., Journal of Business Ethics, 187 (187) 371–383.
  • Ahmad S., Dar N., Rahman, Wali R. W., (2023). Does religiosity matter in the workplace? A moderated-mediated examination of abusive supervision, revenge and deviance, International Journal of Conflict Management, 34 (5) 865-886.
  • Dar N., Kundi Y. M., Somroo, S.A., (2023). Leader–member exchange and innovative work behavior: a 2-1-1 model, Management Decision, 61 (9) 2629-2644.
  • Dar N., Ahmad S., Rahman R. W., (2022). How and when overqualification improves innovative work behaviour: the roles of creative self-confidence and psychological safety, Personnel Review, 51 (9) 2461-2481.
Domaine de Recherche
  • Leadership, Overqualification, work related behaviors & attitudes