Master in International Business (MIB) Programa

Preparing leaders with a global mindset for international business

  • Format

    3 semestres + prácticas profesionales

  • Languages


  • Location

    Lille – Paris

  • Fees

    18.200€ (Fast Track) / 21.200€ (Regular Track)

  • Intake

    Septiembre y Enero

  • Credits

    90 ECTS



The MIB program is designed to cultivate a global mindset necessary for today’s global economic environment.

The program structure is varied to ensure that it will comply with a wide range of personal and professional objectives, and offers a mix of theory and hands-on applications to sharpen students’ skills and insights in different business contexts. Students have the possibility to partially customize the program so that it meets their needs and interests by choosing some of the electives in their curriculum.

The program offers 2 intakes per year, one in January (Lille) and the other one in September (Lille or Paris campuses).
Regardless of the starting date, the program is offered on a full-time basis and consists of 3 terms of courses and a professional experience.

Contenido del programa


International Business Environment Essentials


Cybersecurity and International Business


Coming soon.

International Economics


Analyze the determinants and consequences of the international integration of markets and understanding the challenges and risks of international trade and investments;

Understand the impact of globalization on goods, labor and financial markets.

European Union Relations Management


Understand the EU decision-making process and the skills needed for effective negotiations in the European Union (origin, objectives of the EU, methods of economic integration, decision-making process, negotiations, future development …)

Global Finance


This course focuses on financial globalization, that is, the opening up of a country’s financial system to capital flows and financial firms from other countries. It provides the necessary background to understand the basics of global financial markets, and then presents two important but related aspects of global finance; the existing financial regulation, the two recent financial crises, the subprime and the sovereign debt crisis. It also presents possible solutions to fix global finance.

International Management Skills


International Human Resources Management


This course aims to transfer the main logics and methodologies of the principal HRM tools in an international context: planning, recruitment and selection, training, appraisal systems and compensation. The organizational development policies and practices are explained and discussed crosswise in relation to the development of each HRM tool. For all sessions, critical issues and problems related to the practical applications in the international context of the HR operational systems are identified and examined in order to enhance a pragmatic approach.

International Marketing


This course presents an introduction to global marketing. The topics covered in class include the international marketing context, the selection process of potential international markets and alternative market entry strategies, the development of the international marketing strategy, and the standardization vs. adaptation debate when designing the international marketing mix. In addition to lectures, the course consists of (video) case studies, in which students will have to critically apply the concepts discussed in class and propose their own solutions to the various real-life problems and/or situations. Last but not least, students will be asked to work on a group project applying the concepts learned in class to a global company of their choice. An active, interactive, and critical approach is fundamental for this course.

International Supply Chain Management


Coming soon.

Principles of Accounting and Management Control


Evaluate the use of accounting information for both external and internal decision making;

Understand financial statements to assess overall business performance, financial solidity and profitability;

Construct and interpret management accounting information for decision making, planning and control.

Professional Selling Skills and Personal Sales Performance


Coming soon.

Project Management


The objective of the course is to introduce advanced methods of project management

Understand the major approaches and related methodologies of project-group’s organizational design;

Understand the principles and the objectives of project management;

Master the tools for managing time and resources in order to lead projects effectively in different business contexts;

Understand how to organize project teams, considering the individual and social implication of the team working.

Negotiation for International Managers


The goal of this course is to give students the tools to create/maintain fruitful international business relationships through negotiation processes aiming to reach mutually satisfying outcomes.

The content of the course will be centered on the following topics: distributive and integrative negotiation settings and strategies, the influence of culture in negotiation strategy and a glimpse into complexity in international negotiations.

Overall, the objective is to provide key concepts and analysis grids, to be useful in various professional settings, in particular in intercultural settings.

This course will consist of a mix of theory delivered to the students and application exercises and realistic role plays.

Class discussion will be based on the students’ performance in the exercises and the concepts will be illustrated by the group’s experience in negotiation.

Active class discussion will enable appropriation of the concepts and to create links with the participants’ past experience.

Analytical and Strategic Skills


Statistics for Business


It is often said that data is the new gold. This course is designed to immerse students into the principles of proper statistical data analysis, descriptive as well as inferential. Through lectures, in-class exercises, and a tailored online environment, this course addresses the collection, description, analysis and summary of data, including the concepts of frequency distribution, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analyzes.

Trends in Digital Innovations


Understand the role of new technologies in companies;

Describe the latest trends in ICT;

Understand the Gartner Hype cycle;

Determine when investing in an information system is a good/bad idea by applying appropriate theoretical lenses;

See the importance of technologies to companies in specific industries.

Have greater awareness about ESRS topics such as: planned obsolescence and website visitor tracking practices.

Managing Consultancy and Change


Understand the nature and rigor of management consulting and apply skills in management consulting processes;

Identify the consulting sector characteristics and features for future employment;

Recognize, analyze and negotiate consulting opportunities;

Demonstrate problem solving, design and other analytical skills and learn overall consulting process skills;

Apply the economics of management consulting to set rates and compensate consultants;

Generate insights with meaningful conclusions and recommendations

International Business Strategy and CSR


Understand the main strategy theories, and apply them to organizations that operate in increasingly global markets.

Implement the “strategy tripod” to analyze strategy from an industry-, institution-, and resource-based view.

Identify and discuss challenges and opportunities that the globalization of markets pose to companies.

Have greater awareness about ESRS topics such as: the relevance of CSR for companies that operate in international markets, triple bottom line and stakeholder theory.

Business Game


This course is based on a business management simulation game that integrates the functional areas of production, marketing, logistics, finance and strategy. It increases the participants’ awareness of operating a company from a general management perspective.

Financial Analysis


Coming soon.

SAP for International Business


Coming soon.

Social Media Analytics


Coming soon.

Professional and Intercultural Development


Intercultural Management


Intercultural management is a multidisciplinary approach to the communicating and understanding problems encountered in interactions between individuals and society/organizations as well as individuals/ organizations interacting with global communities.

The ability to understand and communicate appropriately is a crucial competence in all intercultural interactions.

In this course, an examination is made of theories and research advanced by behavioral sciences in relation to the understanding of cross-cultural communication. The main aim is to fully explore cultural factors and their impacts on global managerial practice.

Furthermore, this course aims to provide students with strategy, awareness and observation skills needed to succeed in any cross-cultural interaction and negotiation worldwide.

This course complements other management and marketing disciplines in developing cross-cultural management skills and knowledge essential for graduates entering managerial careers in increasingly globalized economies around the world.

Business Ethics & Managerial Behavior


Future managers, project managers, team members, need to embody ethical values and practices in their day-to-day (managerial) behavior in order for them, and their organization, to attain an ethical and sustainable competitive advantage.

Understand different environmental changes that require integrating ethics in business practices;

Develope responsible managerial practices to manage change and sustainability;

Use ethical theories, develop a stakeholder approach, and apply methodologies to solve business ethical dilemmas;

Appreciate the value added of behaving ethically (AACSB);

Identify personal strengths and weaknesses with regards to speaking in public.

Authentic Leadership


The aim of this class is to develop leadership potential.

Through a series of lectures and exercises this class develops leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes in four important leadership domains: task-oriented, relation-oriented, change-oriented, and ethics-oriented leadership.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to list the major theoretical approaches to leadership classified under the following headings: task-, relationship-, change-, and ethics-oriented leadership.

The students should also be able to apply the leadership skills and competencies under these topics in a leadership setting.

Finally, the students should embody the core values, attitudes and identities associated with authentic leadership.

The student should be able to present their own plan as a leader, acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses to do so and present this plan in front of class.



Several electives from our course catalogue

– Blockchain for Business
– Data Analysis in Python (Le Wagon)
– Data Visualization
– Decision Making For Managers
– Entrepreneurial Finance
– Essentials of CRM and CXM
– Essentials of Web Development and User Experience (Le Wagon)
– Game Theory in Business – Building Winning Strategies
– Managing Innovation in the Digital Era
– Managing Intangibles: Some Legal Aspects
– Multi-Channel Marketing
– Network Economy
– Neuromarketing
– Operations in Complex Industries
– The Art of Leading and Coaching a Team

Innovation and New Business Development


Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment*


The course is designed to immerse students into the daily life of business consultants working for an ERP implementation company. Through interactive lectures, group assignments, and the intervention of four expert professionals, this course confronts students with the diverse expectations, tasks, and challenges functional consultants need to tackle. Combining theoretical concepts with hands-on exercises on a hypothetical business case, participants are expected to acquire knowledge on and experience with ERP deliverables and domains (i.e., Microsoft Dynamics 365), workflow design for top-level business processes (i.e.., Procure-to-Pay, Order-to-Cash), project management activities, and functional consulting analysis tools (e.g., XMind, Bizagi).Description to come.

*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)

Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking*


Creativity is one of the critical components of an organization’s ability to survive and thrive in today’s competitive and dynamic markets. This course will provide participants with a rich understanding of how creativity can be facilitated and managed in a work setting. They will acquire knowledge regarding various theoretical conceptualizations (i.e., how do you define creativity), antecedents (i.e., what makes you and others more creative) and outcomes (i.e., what is the impact) of creativity as well as knowledge on design thinking techniques and tools to lead teams in the creative journey.
How do creative ideas happen? How can we foster our creativity and the creativity of those around us? What are the paths of creative development of individuals who are successful in their creative endeavours? What are the implications for fostering and managing creativity in the workplace? What are the obstacles to creativity? What is the nature of creativity in teams and organizations? These are some of the questions we will address. During the course, a variety of teaching and learning techniques will be used to enable participants to think critically and imaginatively about various perspectives of creativity. To realize the goal of a shared learning experience between participants and the instructor, the course is aimed at integrating real challenges and practical experiences of creativity, projects, presentations, experiential exercises, and critical reflection on the various course materials.Description to come.

*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)

Strategic People Management*


Description to come.Description to come.

*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)

Career Program


Our Career Program helps participants to establish their professional career plan by working on their skills, personal strengths, and using networking tools to be prepared to meet recruiters’ expectations internationally.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

Build a professional career plan;

Identify personal skills and accumulated experiences (e.g., Master experience);

Adapt professional tools (e.g., CV, LinkedIn) to the local market;

Develop an accurate representation of their professional profile;

Use personal networking to better identify professional opportunities;

Gain insight into techniques and tools to find a job or an internship in France or abroad;

Build self-awareness of personal vocations and interests.

Learn more about the Career Program

Entrepreneurship & New Business Development


This course provides participants with a profound understanding on entrepreneurship, new business development, and business plan writing. Through lectures, testimonials, field-work, and group assignments, participants are confronted with the how, where, when, whom, and why of starting and developing new business activities. As part of an international and multicultural team, participants are invited to work on an operational business plan aimed at either the creation of a new venture (NVC-track) or the acceleration of new business for an already established SME (NBD-track). This course’s ambitions thus go beyond providing theoretical insights. Hands-on experience is gained through out-of-class field work covering all steps of the entrepreneurial decision-making process (e.g., idea generation, feasibility analysis, industry study, market analysis, marketing plan, production plan, product development, and financial statements). In doing so, participants accumulate entrepreneurial knowledge and behaviours that support innovative solutions and new value development.

Cursos de Idiomas


Cursos de Idiomas


Los cursos de idiomas para todos los niveles están incluidos en el programa. El francés es la opción obligatoria para cualquier estudiante no francófono. Para los estudiantes francófonos nativos, se ofrecen otros idiomas (chino, español, alemán – lista sujeta a cambios).

Hands-on Experience


Internship/work experience or consulting project/thesis


Capstone Project: 4-to 6-month internship or work experience anywhere in the world. Alternatively, students can opt for a consulting project or a thesis.

Nota: La información sobre los cursos está sujeta a cambios.

Zoom sobre … la acreditación AMBA

El Máster Especializado en Negocios Internacionales (MIB) ha sido evaluada y acreditada por AMBA en el 2016. Los auditores de AMBA subrayaron el compromiso de la Escuela con la internacionalización, que promueve una experiencia de aprendizaje positiva, tanto cultural como pedagógicamente. También destacaron los esfuerzos de la escuela en términos de innovación y desarrollo pedagógico, el énfasis en el apoyo a la investigación y la diversidad de los estudiantes en todo el programa.
La Asociación de MBA (AMBA) utiliza criterios de evaluación rigurosos para garantizar que solamente los programas de más alto nivel, que demuestren los mejores estándares en enseñanza, currículo e interacción estudiantil logren la acreditación.

Talleres y Eventos Corporativos

Junto con las clases, el programa incluye talleres adicionales y eventos corporativos para desarrollar aún más las habilidades personales y profesionales de los participantes. Abarcan una serie de temas como la gestión de conflictos en entornos interculturales y la comunicación intercultural.

Nuestro “Career Program” ayuda a los participantes a establecer su plan de carrera profesional mediante un análisis de sus habilidades, fortalezas personales y el uso de herramientas de redes de networking para que estén preparados y cumplan con las expectativas de los reclutadores a nivel internacional.

Descubre el Career Program


During their internship, students are able to combine theories of management with hands-on experience and apply the cross-cultural skills they have developed at IÉSEG.

Junior Project Manager, Department Manager, Business Developer, International HR Partner, Business Analyst or Media & Communication Intern for example: the internship opportunities offered by the program at the end of the curriculum are multiple.

Some companies which hire our interns: Nissan, Altios, Unilever, Nestlé, Pepsico, Puma, Decathlon, Cartier Intl, Faurecia, Europass, etc.

The internship can be undertaken in France or abroad. Most students have done their internships in Asia or in Europe for example.


Las empresas son parte integrante de la vida académica de este máster especializado. A lo largo del programa, los participantes tienen la oportunidad de reunirse y establecer contactos con empresas de todos los tamaños sobre temas relacionados con el máster, como conferencias, intervenciones en clase, retos o contratación a medida.

Ejemplos de actos organizados anteriormente*:
> Presentación de la empresa, oportunidades de empleo y juego de talentos – DECATHLON
> Intervención en clase: caso empresarial de marketing internacional: colocación de un nuevo producto en un mercado específico – CLUSE
> Presentación de la empresa y oportunidades de empleo: oportunidades internacionales con su programa de asociados de 2 años – ALPHASIGHTS

*Lista no exhaustiva


El programa MIB ha desarrollado un TALENT GAME con nuestro socio DECATHLON. En la edición de 2021, los estudiantes tuvieron que ayudar a la empresa a desarrollar un proyecto concreto de presencia digital en una zona geográfica determinada. Las soluciones de los alumnos del MIB recibieron el feedback de los responsables de la empresa. Los finalistas recibieron premios y distinciones que pueden ser útiles a la hora de buscar prácticas y empleo.

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