Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World
Abstract submissions are closed
Submission Procedure
SERVSIG 2018 welcomes submissions in the form of papers and ideas for special sessions. Your innovative content should be submitted using the SERVSIG 2018 online system. Click on “Online Submission” (Abstract submissions are closed) within the Submission header to submit your work. All submissions will be reviewed via a double-blind process. Authors will be informed by email before January 31st, 2018. Extended abstracts (1500 words) will be published for accepted papers within the SERVSIG 2018 conference materials.
Awards will be presented for the “Best Paper” and the “Best Work based on a Doctoral Dissertation” (paper) at SERVSIG 2018.
Submission Formats
SERVSIG 2018 invites the submission of materials in the following formats:
- Papers: Interested authors should submit an extended abstract about their research not exceeding 1500 words (excluding references, tables and figures). We encourage scholars to submit their most recent and ongoing work. Therefore, work-in-progress papers are also welcome. The abstract should outline the relevance of the phenomenon being studied, potential contributions to the field, the research question(s), theoretical foundations, conceptual framework, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion.
- Special Sessions: Interested presenters should prepare a proposal for a special session, not to exceed 500 words. Special sessions are designed to generate a focused discussion of a relevant and novel topic. The format can be a traditional session, but other innovative and interactive formats are especially welcome. The proposal submission should specify the topic and format of the special session and should designate a special session chair. Special session papers (or any other relevant materials) will be included in the SERVSIG 2018 conference materials.
All contributions must be double-spaced Microsoft Word documents using ARIAL 12-point font.
Headings and sub-heading should not be numbered.
Major headings (Major heading) should be left justified and bolded. The first letter of each major word should be capitalised and all of the other words should be in lower case. One single space line should precede and one single space should follow a major heading
Sub-headings (Sub-heading) should be left justified, regular and in italics. One space line should precede a sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalised.
Conference Themes
SERVSIG 2018 welcomes papers and proposals for special sessions within the following conference themes:
- Big Data Enabled Services
- Branding and Service Communications
- Business-to-Business Services
- Consumer (Mis)Behavior in Services
- Customer Experience in Services
- Digital Services and Social Media
- Internationalization in Services
- Mobile Services
- New Analytical Approaches in Service Research
- Public and Non-Profit Services
- Service Design and Service Innovation
- Service Dominant Logic
- Service Networks and Systems
- Service Operations Management and Supply Chains
- Service Productivity
- Service Recovery and Complaint Management
- Service Relationships
- Servicescapes and Service Environments
- Sports Services
- Sustainability in Services
- Tourism Services
- Transformative and Health Services
Please note that this list is not exhaustive. We are open to any submission exploring new and emerging trends in services marketing.
Submission of (substantially) overlapping papers and special session proposals to SERVSIG 2018 is not permitted.
At least one of the authors of a paper or special session should register for SERVSIG 2018.
Registration will open on: February 1st, 2018.
Authors should specify who will present the paper. Each author may present no more than two papers though can be co-authors on more than two papers.
All papers and special session proposal sessions will be reviewed using a double-blind process.