Joint IÉSEG/K.U. Leuven Doctoral Program in Business Economics

  • Format

    4 years

  • Languages


  • Location

    Leuven – Lille/Paris

  • Fees

    Fully funded

  • Intake


  • Credits

    60 ECTS


For this unique 4-year Doctoral Program in Business Economics, IÉSEG joins the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven (Belgium), a leading international institution in terms of research, where PhD students will share their time between France and Belgium.

At the end of the program, PhD students will obtain the degree of “Ph.D in Business Economics” jointly awarded by the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven and IÉSEG.

About K.U. Leuven’s Faculty of Economics and Business

KU Leuven’s Faculty of Economics and Business is a leading international research university. All of its programs are based on the innovative research of its scientists and professors.

Learn more about
KU Leuven

Details of the program

In the context of this doctoral program, each PhD student will be supervised by a promotor at both IÉSEG and KU Leuven.

No tuition fee will be charged to PhD students. They will be employed as “Teaching & Research Assistant” at one of the institutions, with a fixed-term contract and a monthly salary, competitive with other European research and academic institutions.

1st year

> The first year of the program takes place on the campus of KU Leuven and is only dedicated to courses. PhD students follow courses of the KU Leuven’s PhD program, entitled “Business Economics”.

> Courses are taught in English and have to be selected jointly with both co-promotors of the thesis, among different research areas such as finance, entrepreneurship and economics. Each PhD student has to validate 60 ECTS at the end of the first year.

> More information on courses available on the website of KU Leuven.

2nd year

From the second year and until the fourth year of the program, PhD students share their time between writing their thesis and teaching courses on the campus at IÉSEG. They are expected to teach 100 hours per year, which means 300 hours for the three last years of the program.

1st year to 4th year

> PhD students are asked to participate to a certain number of research activities, such as research seminars, conference presentations and other activities required to the completion of their thesis. They should also file an annual activity report, submitted yearly to the doctoral committee of both institutions.

> PhD students should have one paper published in a peer rewed scientific journal within the four years of the program.

> They benefit from financial support from IÉSEG, to conduct their research and reach their research targets.

> At the end of the fourth year, PhD students defend their thesis in English to a jury, either at IÉSEG or at KU Leuven, which is decisive for the completion of the PhD degree.

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