
Research, both applied and academic is one of the main activities for all faculty.

IÉSEG professors are all active in their different fields of research and contribute widely to international academic publications, conferences and scholarly activities.

They publish in top journals in their fields, e.g. Management Science (FIN), American Economic Review (EQM), MIS Quaterly (INENTIS), Academy of Management Review (MGT), Journal of Marketing (MKT), The Accounting Review (ACC), European Journal of Operational Research (OPS), Organization Studies (PON).

This ensures the relevance, the originality and the quality of content brought into the classrooms and when engaging with other stakeholders (for example, in the corporate sector, or tertiary sector).

IÉSEG co-leads LEM (Lille | Economics & Management), a research unit accredited by the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research).

To give scope to their research, our professors regularly apply for and win international, European, national and regional projects. The last projects obtained are FaMiGrowth (funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche), the project LUCA (funded by Erasmus+), and the project CAPABLE (funded by Horizon Europe).

Faculty Directory

IÉSEG Research Department – Presentation

picto-researchCenters of Excellence and Research

IÉSEG is home to different types of research units.

Centers of Excellence bring together faculty across different departments to work on projects that integrate teaching, research and outreach.

Research Centers consist of faculty from different departments working on externally funded research projects.

Discover our Centers

picto-magazine-1Working Papers

Our professors share ideas and drafts about their topics. Don’t hesitate to give them feedback!

See our Faculty’s Working Papers

picto-facultyAffiliate Professors

Affiliated professors are faculty who have a main affiliation in a different school (normally outside France), but that maintain strong ongoing research links with IÉSEG core faculty. They visit the school regularly and contribute to teaching, thus enlarging further the scope of expertise and knowledge that we can bring to our students.

Discover the IÉSEG Affiliate Professors