PhD Programs

PhD programs at IÉSEG

IÉSEG School of Management is hiring for a wide range of PhD positions in Management and in Economics. The School's research spans a wide range of fields and topics, covering many subjects in economics and in management.
Our faculty's research topics and publications can be found on the Research section of the School's website.


IÉSEG offers two PhD programs:

  • One PhD program is a joint PhD Program between IÉSEG and the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven (a leading research institution in Belgium). Doctoral candidates in this new international program will carry out their research activities in both France and Belgium under the supervision of researchers from both IÉSEG and KU Leuven.
  • The second is the one of the University of Lille, for which IÉSEG welcomes the doctoral students. Some of these positions are fully funded by the School. Others are funded by a partner company, to conduct research on a specific PhD thesis supervised by one of our Faculty members.


In both programs, PhD students will get all the means and support to engage in innovative business relevant research projects with high potential to get published in international peer-reviewed journals. IÉSEG offers generous research support for research activities, such as data collection, research travel and conference attendance.

Placement on each program is based on students' interests and career goals and available funding opportunities.



Joint IÉSEG/K.U. Leuven Doctoral Program in Business Economics

For this unique 4-year program, IÉSEG joins the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven (Belgium), a leading international institution in terms of research, where PhD students will share their time between France and Belgium.
At the end of the program, PhD students will obtain the degree of “Ph.D in Business Economics” jointly awarded by the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven and IÉSEG.

4 years



Leuven - Lille/Paris


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PhD Program with University of Lille

IÉSEG, one of the three institutions that finance and supervise the LEM research laboratory (“Lille Economie Management”), welcomes PhD students of the SESAM Doctoral School in the context of a 3-year program.
Each PhD student will be supervised by one or more thesis directors, including one professor from IÉSEG.

3 years

English - French




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