IÉSEG and its programs are recognized in France by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. This recognition serves as a guarantor for the School’s excellence.
IÉSEG holds the “Triple Crown” of international accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA, and is part of a limited circle of the best business schools worldwide (less than 1%). These accreditations certify IÉSEG’s excellence according to very strict international standards.

EQUIS accreditation

IÉSEG is the first French post-baccalaureate business school to be 5-year accredited by the EQUIS label (European Quality Improvement System). The School has been re-accreditated for 5 more years in 2023.

This label is a reference for excellence and highlights outstanding management schools for the quality of their teaching, their innovations, research and for their relations with the business world.

AACSB accreditation


“Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business “is an American organization, which awarded IÉSEG with the AACSB accreditation in 2013 and re-accreditated for 5 more years in 2023.

AACSB rewards business schools for the quality of their management training, based on the academic level of teachers, the relevance of the educational process and the means implemented to allow students to conduct their studies.

AMBA accreditation

By obtaining the Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation, IÉSEG School of Management today joins an elite group of international business schools (less than 1% in the world) that hold the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS).

The Association of MBAs uses rigorous assessment criteria to ensure that only highest calibre programs which demonstrate the best standards in teaching, curriculum, and student interaction achieve accreditation. Unlike many business education accreditation bodies it focuses in detail on individual programs (MBAs, DBAs, and Masters in business and management) rather than whole institutions.

Three of IÉSEG’s programs have been evaluated and accredited by AMBA: its Grande École Program, its MBA program and its Master in International Business.

French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

IÉSEG is a non-profit school under contract with the state.

Diplôme Visé contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme conférant Grade de Master contrôlé par l'État

IÉSEG is authorized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to deliver the ‘Grade de Master’ for its Grande Ecole Program and to provide a registered title with the French RNCP (the National Repertory of Professional Certification) – (code RNCP 36550).

Diplôme Visé contrôlé par l'État
Grade de Licence

The Bachelor in International Business (“Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Affaires Internationales”) is accredited by the French Higher Education Ministry (VISA BAC+3) and delivers the ‘Grade de Licence’. The program is also registered title with the French RNCP (the National Repertory of Professional Certification) – (code RNCP 37599).

Diplôme Visé contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme conférant Grade de Master contrôlé par l'État

The School is authorized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to deliver the ‘Grade de Master’ (a State-recognized degree) for its Specialized Master Programs (“Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées en Management International”) – and to provide a registered title with the French RNCP (the National Repertory of Professional Certification) – (code RNCP 37390).

Diplôme Visé contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme conférant Grade de Master contrôlé par l'État

The MBA program (“Diplôme de Direction des Activités et des Projets dans un Contexte International – DDAPCI”) is accredited by the French Higher Education Ministry and delivers the ‘Grade de Master’ (a State-recognized degree). The program is also registered title with the French RNCP (the National Repertory of Professional Certification) – (code RNCP 39435).

Through these labels, the government recognizes the rigor and the requirements of this program, the quality of the academic staff and the contents of the curriculum.

Conférence des Grandes Écoles

Conférence des Grandes Écoles

All the IÉSEG Mastères spécialisés® are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles. This association comprises only the best engineering and business schools.

DD&RS Label (Sustainable Development and Societal Responsibility)

Label DD&RS

In 2023, IÉSEG was also awarded the French DD&RS Label in recognition of the social and environmental commitment that it is making.

Learn more about the DD&RS label

« Welcome to France » Certification Label by Campus France

Welcome to France

IÉSEG is one of the 89 certified institutions among the 183 undertaking the ‘3 star’ certification (as of end of May 2020).
As a sign of confidence, the certification testifies of the quality of the reception at IÉSEG.

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