IÉSEG provides different housing options: student and private residences, as well as private housing (private landlords) and apartment sharing.

Our housing advisors will provide further assistance to help them navigate through their options and select the accommodation that best fits their needs.

Housing application details will be sent to the students after they receive their acceptance letter. It is on a first-come, first-served basis.

It will be more difficult to find housing on arrival, so we strongly advise students to register for housing as soon as we contact them.

Approximate Cost of Housing, depending on type of housing and duration of stay:

  • Lille: between EUR 450 and 800 per month (average of EUR 600 per month)
  • Paris: between EUR 500 and 1200 per month (average of EUR 850 per month)

Our International Services Coordinators will support students in this process, so they should not hesitate to contact them for any question about housing or for assistance – the sooner, the better!

Some of our Partners

Housing in Lille Campus Housing in Paris Campus