Master Cycle of the Grande École Program

Bringing theory and practice together to excel in management

  • Format

    5 years

  • Languages

    English – French

  • Location

    Lille – Paris

  • Fees

    €13,680 per year

  • Intake


  • Credits

    300 ECTS



The Master Cycle of the Grande École Program allows students to dive into a domain related to their professional project by offering them numerous core courses relevant to company-related issues (data visualization, artificial intelligence, positive leadership, CSR, change management, etc.). By choosing their major and minor, students are able to build their own career plan.

The Master Cycle is therefore a cycle of knowledge enhancement, but also of open-mindedness, contributing to training innovative, inspiring and ethical leaders.

Advantages of the Master Cycle

  • A skill-based approach: learning through experience and experimentation: students learn via concrete situations (data provided by companies or organizations) and projects. The Master Cycle is made up of courses, a thesis or consulting project and a 6-month internship.
  • The Managing Diversity in Vivo course allows students to acquire experience as a team manager.
  • Active pedagogy based on interactions between professors and students, combining online and on-site courses.
  • Personalized support provided by coaches who are experts in their fields to prepare students’ professional projects.

Objectives of the Master Cycle

  • To acquire a set of solid disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills
  • To move forward in their professional projects with the ability to think differently and, above all, to ask themselves the right questions
  • To work on leadership, change management, CSR, creativity and innovation, analysis and decision-making in a complex environment

ORGANIZATION of the Master Cycle

120 ECTS / 4 semesters according to the following structure

Organization of the 4 semesters - Master Cycle of the Grande École Program

That is:
> 3 semesters of courses: 2 semesters of major courses and 1 semester of minor courses
> 1 semester of Executive Internship (also known as end-of-studies internship) alongside the thesis or consulting project

During the three semesters of courses, Master Cycle students will benefit from:
> Core courses
> Compulsory courses in the chosen major
> Specialization courses related to the chosen major
> Compulsory courses in the chosen minor

Program of the Master cycle

Overall structure of the Master cycle

Structure of the Master Cycle - Grande École Program

Note that during semester 3, students also have the option of doing an exchange abroad (except for the specific tracks Audit and Entrepreneurship), or a double degree internally or at a partner university.


Tailoring your path: from core curriculum to specialization

Upon entering the Master’s Cycle, students have the opportunity to choose one major from the 7 offered by the School.
This major, studied over one semester, is tied to one of the main management disciplines (Finance, Marketing, Accounting, etc.). This major is followed by a semester of specialization, which consists of a more in-depth study and enables students to further refine their career plans.

Specialization is conditional on the choice of major, while interdisciplinarity – essential in business – is encouraged by the variety of courses offered in different disciplines. The third semester of courses is dedicated to the minor chosen by the student, which focuses on a different discipline from the major. Students thus acquire a dual skill set.

Core Courses

From 1st year (semesters 1 and 2) to 2nd year (semester 3) of the Master cycle


The core courses offered in the Master cycle aim to train responsible and innovative leaders to initiate change thanks to their overall understanding of digital, economic, technological, societal, financial and environmental issues.

These courses also contribute to training inspiring leaders capable of giving meaning to their strategies and leading their teams in a shared vision.

Business Game

Are you ready to take all the decisions needed to keep your company running smoothly?

As part of a multi-disciplinary team from different specializations, you will be required to make decisions for all the departments of a company. From human resources management to production, from financial investments to ecological choices, you will have to convince your company’s shareholders that you are the right team to run the business successfully.

Career Bootcamp

At the end of their academic career, before Master’s students complete their final internship and find their first job, IÉSEG supports them through a Career Bootcamp dedicated to their professional integration.

Career Program

The Career Program supports students in defining their professional project through a personalized follow-up by coaches who are experts in their fields. It helps prepare students for their entry into the job market in the best possible way.

Data Visualization

More details to come…

Change Management for Sustainability Strategies

This course reinforces students’ knowledge of change management and, simultaneously, their knowledge of the theories and practices related to sustainability. The societal impact of companies is increasingly recognized as being a priority. Companies need to engage in major change initiatives to meet the demands of social and environmental challenges, such as climate change and social inequalities.

Geopolitics and Strategic Foresight

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Interdisciplinary Project

More details to come…


In addition to English, which is the language of instruction and work, students are required to learn another language as part of the Grande École Program.

Managing Diversity in Vivo

Managing in Vivo is a support system for Bachelor students by Master students, during which Master students are trained in communication processes and in team management. This unique course allows students to acquire managerial skills through experience, while offering individualized follow-up to students in the Bachelor cycle, facilitating their transition to higher education.

Methodological Course for Thesis

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No-Code and Generative AI

More details to come…

Personal Data Management and Protection

This course aims to understand the mechanics of personal data law under the GDPR and its relationship to intellectual property.

The objectives of this course are to understand the mechanics of personal data law under the GDPR and its relationship to intellectual property, to make decisions regarding the management of personal data resources, to assess the impact of different personal data management strategies, and finally to establish and monitor personal data compliance.

Positive Leadership Development

This course teaches managers to be inspiring, intercultural and ethical pioneers of change. It aims to create knowledge that nurtures innovative leaders, promoting creative solutions for and with responsible organizations. It aims to explore, analyze and improve a leader’s behavior in order to develop a strong leadership identity.

Research and Consulting Tools

More details to come…

Understanding Business Cycles for Strategic Decisions

More details to come…


Presentation of the 7 Majors

1 major to choose from among the 7 offered

In the Master’s cycle, students choose a major from the 7 available. Each major is associated with one or two specializations taught during the same year, with the aim of deepening the student’s knowledge in their chosen career field.



This major is the gateway for students who want to gain high-quality knowledge in Control, Accounting, and Financial Management, with an emphasis on financial planning and performance analysis, and efficient decision-making.

Examples of major courses

> Strategic Performance Management
> Financial Simulation and Forecasting
> Cost Management

Examples of specialization courses

> Internal Auditing and Control
> Financial Statement Analysis
> Decision Making in Corporate Investments



By joining this major, students will be introduced to the different decision-making techniques in corporate finance and the financial markets, and will learn all the skills needed for these professions.

Examples of major courses

> Firm Valuation
> Firm Risk Management
> Ethics in Finance

Examples of Corporate Finance specialization courses

> Advanced Corporate Finance
> Empirical Corporate Finance
> M&A, Takeovers and Corporate Restructuring

Examples of Asset and Risk Management specialization courses

> Portfolio Management
> Debt Securities
> Derivatives



The Marketing major offers in-depth training in strategy, implementation, and optimization of marketing activities, with a focus on digital technologies in an international context.

Examples of major courses

> Introduction to Digital Marketing
> Introduction to Marketing Management
> Marketing Strategy

Examples of Digital Marketing specialization courses

> Digital Communication
> Digital Analytics
> Digital Technology

Examples of Marketing Management specialization courses

> Advanced Marketing Mix
> International Marketing
> Consumer Behavior

Negotiation and Sales


The Negotiation and Sales major trains experts in international negotiation who will be able to manage purchasing and sales activities in a global context. They will act as liaison officers, connecting with customers, suppliers, partners, and organizational units within commercial networks.

Examples of major courses

> Practical Negotiation Skills
> Applied Conflict Management Theories
> Decision Games and Negotiation

Examples of specialization courses

> Business Development in B2B Sales
> Communication and Internal Customer Management
> Managing Conflict through Mediation

General Management and Strategic Counselling


This major will provide students with a theoretical and practical toolbox for success in consulting, one of the largest and most competitive sectors.

Examples of major courses

> Consulting Skills
> Strategic HRM
> Marketing Strategy

Examples of specialization courses

> Lean Management
> Emerging Technologies
> Co-creating the IÉSEG’s Sustainability Reporting

Operation Management


The Operation Management major focuses on how a company can effectively manage its operations, logistics, supply chain, purchasing, inventory, quality and projects.

Examples of major courses

> Supply Chain Management
> Inventory Management
> Project Planning

Examples of specialization courses

> Production and Capacity Planning
> Purchasing Strategy
> Lean Management



This major aims to immerse students in entrepreneurship by providing the knowledge needed to revitalize an existing business, drive sustainable change/innovation within a well-established organization, or even launch a new business.

Examples of major courses

> Foundations of Entrepreneurship
> Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures
> Entrepreneurial Teams

Examples of specialization courses

> Inclusive Entrepreneurship Practice (Hackathon)
> Social Entrepreneurship: Challenges (fully online)
> Emerging Technologies


Choosing a minor


In addition to their major, students must also choose a minor covering a topic different from their major, at the start of the second year of the Master cycle, to tailor their profile to their career aspirations.

Financial Management Control

More details to come…

Negotiation and Sales

More details to come…

General Management and Strategy Consulting

More details to come…

Operations Management

More details to come…

Digital Transformation

More details to come…

Managing People and Organizations

More details to come…


More details to come…

Sustainability and Transition

More details to come…

Specific tracks: Entrepreneurship and Audit

Entrepreneurship track


To meet the needs of its students, their aspirations and the market, IÉSEG offers this specific track in Entrepreneurship.

Structure of the Entrepreneurship track

Structure of the Grande École Program's Master Cycle - Entrepreneurship track


A selection is made to join the Entrepreneurship track, based on the student’s entrepreneurial project.


This track is designed to support students in their business creation projects.

Advantages of this track

> Open to students who aspire to start their own business, upon assessment of their application file.
> Enables entrepreneur students to benefit from dedicated support and time to develop their project.
> Final thesis/Consulting project dedicated to their creation project.

Audit track


To meet the needs of its students, their aspirations and the market, IÉSEG offers this specific track in Audit.

Structure of the Audit track

Structure of the Grande École Program's Master Cycle - Audit track


This track enables students who have opted for the major in Corporate Finance or Accounting to specialize in a career in auditing.

Advantages of this track

> A minor structured around the specific schedule of the auditing sector.
> Specific courses enabling students to obtain equivalences to the DSCG (Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion), while preparing them to take additional exams.
> Practical, market-based case training.

Final Thesis or Consulting Project

To be completed in semester 4 (2nd year) of the Master cycle


During the Master Cycle, students have to complete a final thesis/dissertation or a consulting project. The objectives are to develop analytical, research and organizational skills related to real-life situations.

It aims to show students’ aptitudes to work on complex problems, the results of their research and suggested solutions.

Final Thesis


Students are responsible for writing a thesis, which involves in-depth personal research, all the while benefiting from the assistance of their thesis supervisor. In this way, they reflect upon and develop a specific issue extensively.

The research that goes into a thesis surpasses the framework of an individual case or situation. Students can choose to work on a particular case and to add a general dimension to it, or they can choose a broader issue, which they illustrate through precise examples. The thesis subject must be in accordance with one of IÉSEG’s fields of study: economics, finance, strategy, marketing, management control systems, human resources, etc.

Consulting Projects

Business Consulting Project

Consulting projects are educational work where students (either alone or in pair) hold a position as consultant for a company. They will work on a specific aspect for one semester and their objective will be to provide an external perspective and fresh ideas so that the company may make actual progress on projects in France and across the globe.

Assignments can relate to an area of expertise in Specialized Master Programs at IÉSEG: Management, Multicultural Management, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems, Operations Management, Audit & Control, International Negotiation or to a cross-functional subject.

Students are coached by lecturers-researchers at IÉSEG, who are experts in their area. The project manager in the company will also supervise the student on a regular basis.

Entrepreneurship Consulting Project

With the consulting projects in entrepreneurship (Projet de Création d’Entreprise – PCE), students develop a detailed project to create a new company and a full business plan, under the guidance of a pool of academic and professional experts. At the end of the semester, they present their concept to a jury of experts

A significant number of these projects actually become start up business either when the student graduates or in the following years.

Executive Internship

End-of-Studies Internship (Executive Internship)


During the Master’s program, students complete a 6-month internship in a company during which they take on “junior executive” responsibilities, demonstrating their ability to analyze a problem and propose solutions.

Examples: Junior Auditor, Assistant Product Manager, Junior Management Controller, Assistant Human Resources Manager, etc.

> Learn more about the Executive Internship

Zoom on… the Career Bootcamp

IÉSEG supports Master’s students to their professional integration through a Career Bootcamp.

Over the course of two days, students take part in professionalizing activities in a fun spirit that combines different formats and meetings: career workshops, master classes, meetings with partner companies and presentations of job market expectations, exchange and networking sessions, work on soft skills that can be put to good use in a company, etc.

The aim is to prepare students as effectively as possible for their integration into the job market, by offering them a suitable career path that is as close as possible to market expectations and current recruitment processes, and by helping them to make the most of their entire IÉSEG career.

Double and Dual Degree

Double Degree with a Specialized Master

Grande École Program students may choose to obtain a double degree with an IÉSEG Specialized Master.

The student’s curriculum is then extended by an additional semester of teaching.

IÉSEG Specialized Masters accessible as double degrees for Grande École Master students:
> Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology
> Big Data Analytics for Business
> Business Analysis and Consulting
> Cybersecurity Management
> Digital Marketing and CRM
> Fashion Management
> Finance
> International Accounting, Audit and Control
> International Business Negotiation
> Management for Sustainability
> Strategy and Digital Transformation

Dual Degree from a Partner University

Grande École Program students have the opportunity to obtain a degree from a partner university through the exchange programs.

Master’s level:

> Queensland University of Technology – Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
> McGill University, School of Continuing Studies – Montreal, CANADA
> Tongji University School of Economics and Management – Shanghai, CHINA
> University of Vaasa, FINLAND
> Università Carlo Cattaneo LIUC, Castellanza, ITALY
> Rikkyo University – Tokyo, JAPAN
> Lancaster University Management School, UNITED KINGDOM


A gap semester/year is possible in Master cycle between two semesters or two years of the program, for a period of 6 months to 1 year, depending on when it is taken. During this period, students have the opportunity to complete one or more work placements or to consolidate a personal, professional or entrepreneurial project.

Examples of gap semester:
> Supporting an NGO or association: coaching two women micro-entrepreneurs in Peru; ecological volunteer work in the Amazon combining agroforestry and beekeeping; turtle conservation in Costa Rica.
> Business creation project: music label; company specializing in cutting-edge medical tools; family business
> Personal project: cycling around Europe to raise awareness of environmental damage and emphasize possible solutions.

Master Cycle in Apprenticeship Training

Are you a student under 30* with a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification in Economics and Management? Do you want to continue your studies while gaining experience in a company?

Join one of the apprenticeship training opportunities on our Master’s degree in Management; at the end of the 2-year course, you will be awarded the IÉSEG “Grande École” degree – Master’s degree –, certified by the French government.

The course will be funded by the company hosting the student. The student will enjoy a status as employee – he/she will receive a salary from the hosting company funding the two-year course.

The student/employee will alternate « on-the-job » experience and courses taught at IÉSEG, spending 3 weeks in the company and 1 week at school (campus of Lille or Paris, depending on the course which has been selected).

This apprenticeship training helps the student/employee be integrated in teams and project management more easily.

Each student/employee is coached by a professional mentor (in the company) and a mentor from the teaching staff (at school). The academic supervisor usually acts as an intermediary between the student/employee and the professional tutor.

Learn more about Apprenticeship Training

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Diviya NEDA