
[Research Seminar] IRISK: “Disagreement aversion” A. GOUSEBAILLE – ETHZ

Speaker: Arnaud GOUSEBAILLE

Date and Location – Friday October 14th 2022 from 11:00 to 12:00
in Lille campus and on Zoom



Experts often disagree. A decision-maker may be averse to such expert disagreement. Existing models of aversion to expert disagreement rest on ambiguity-averse preferences adopting a unanimity principle: If all experts consider one choice better than another, so should the decision-maker. Such unanimity among experts, however, can be spurious, masking substantial disagreement on the underlying reasons. We introduce a novel notion of disagreement aversion to distinguish spurious from genuine unanimity and develop a model that can capture disagreement aversion in our sense.

The central element of our model is the cautious aggregation of experts’ beliefs.

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