To succeed in a professional, international context, IÉSEG offers students various ways of learning languages: interactive courses, drama, language cafés, language resource centre, debating sessions and tandems. The tandem programme allows the students to further develop their language and culture skills.
All these initiatives allow the student to develop strong communication skills and help them to communicate effectively in a foreign language and within different cultures.
Language learning plays an important role at IÉSEG as students have to evolve in a strong, international context.
- Allow students to develop strong communication skills both orally and written, in various foreign languages.
- Help the students to gain a strong intercultural dimension, developing the ability to work in an international context, creating cultural openness and ability to adapt.
- Give students the skills required to work individually and in teams.
Languages taught in IÉSEG School of Management :
- French
- English
- Spanish
- German
- Chinese
- Italian
- Russian
- Portuguese