
New technologies at the service of training

New technologies are more and more used in training, as explained by Loic PLE, head of CETI (the Center for Educational and Technological Innovation) in the interview below.

Loïc Plé, you are the director of CETI at IÉSEG. You pilot the educational innovations of the various programmes, among them Executive Education training. Could you explain how you use e-learning in this specific context?

“E-learning is a strong trend in the training context, especially in Executive Education. This way of learning offers many advantages, for example flexibility and cost reduction for companies. Moreover, the traditional difficulties linked to e-learning have now been overcome. The implementation of tools for communication between trainers and learners, but also among learners themselves, reintroduce a social interactivity which was lacking in the first versions of these programs.”

You offer IÉSEG Executive Education customers a complete training e-learning solution don’t you?

“Absolutely. Besides the training modules conceived by CETI, which are interactive modules including quizzes, videos, role-playing games, etc., there is also a platform for training content, as well as tools like forums or corporate social networks.”

We hear a lot about blended learning.

“Blended learning is an educational mix between traditional face-to-face learning and distance learning. In a way, it’s the best of both worlds. This way of training works well, but necessitates being very well-prepared. For example, in a training programme for the CIC Bank, we used our educational platform to inform participants about the programme before it started, which allowed them to know more about their future trainers. Then, we put various content and tools online, from a simple Word or pdf file to training modules, and even social networking tools. All of this was in addition to the monthly face-to-face sessions”.

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Dates of this breakfast meeting:

  • Friday, March 22nd in Paris, from 8.30 am to 10:00 am

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