- 2008 : Ph.D. in Economics and Management, University of Namur, Belgium
- 2008 : MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking, ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom
- 2003 : Ingénieur de Gestion, University of Liège, Belgium
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
- 2024 - present, Full Professor of Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2020 - present, Head of the Finance Department, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2017 - 2024, Associate Professor of Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2014 - 2020, Academic director - MSc in Investment Banking and Capital Markets, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2013 - 2014, Academic director - MSc in Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2008 - 2017, Assistant Professor of Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2005 - 2008, ICM Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
- 2003 - 2005, Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Professional Experience :
- 2006 - 2006, Intern - Monetary Policy Stance Division (DG-Economics), European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Scientific prizes and Awards
- 2022 : Grand Prix de la Formation et de l'Innovation Académique, Lille Place Financière
- 2010 : Best Paper Award, French Finance Association
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
Beaupain R., Heck S., (2024). So different and yet so alike: A comparative analysis of firms' connectedness in the stock and corporate bond markets, European Financial Management, 30 (5) 2743-2789.
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2024). International banking regulation and Tier 1 capital ratios. On the robustness of the critical average risk weight framework, International Review of Financial Analysis, 91 (2024) 103025.
Beaupain R., Girard A., (2020). The value of understanding central bank communication, Economic Modelling, 85 (2020) 154-165.
Show all
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., Renault Thomas, (2019). Monnaie fiduciaire, monnaie électronique et crypto-monnaies La monnaie à l’heure du digital, Revue Banque, 830 64-67.
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., Renault T., (2019). Valeur d'usage d'une monnaie: Les cryptomonnaies peuvent-elles se substituer aux monnaies traditionnelles?, Revue Banque, 831 76-80.
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2018). Taux offerts du marché interbancaire et réformes actuelles, Revue Banque, 823 (Septembre) 64-68.
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2018). Les taux directeurs de la BCE et la réforme de l'EONIA, Revue Banque, 822 (juillet-aout) 55-58.
Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2017). Central bank tools for steering short-term interest rates, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, LVI (2017/4) 113-123.
Beaupain R., Durré A., (2016). Excess liquidity and the money market in the euro area, Journal of Macroeconomics, 47 33-44.
Beaupain R., Heck S., (2016). A repeat-sales index for pricing US corporate bonds, Finance, 37 (2) 75-117.
Beaupain R., Durré A., (2013). Central bank reserves and interbank market liquidity in the euro area, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22 (2) 259-284 .
Beaupain R., Joliet R., (2011). Corporate drivers of market liquidity on the Warsaw stock exchange, International Economics, 125 83-104.
Beaupain R., Durré A., (2011). Inferring trading dynamics for an OTC market: The case of the euro area overnight money market, Quantitative Finance, 11 (9) 1285-1295.
Beaupain R., Dauginet S., Petitjean M., (2010). Variations communes de liquidité au sein de portefeuilles de faible, moyenne et forte capitalisation: Les enseignements des crises financières asiatique et russe, Revue Bancaire et Financière, 2010 (1) 49-56.
Beaupain R., Giot P., Petitjean M., (2010). Volatility regimes and liquidity co-movements in cap based portfolios, Finance, 31 (1) 55-79.
Book Chapters
- Beaupain R., Meng L., Marticou M., (2011), Grass-root stock market investment and long-term commonality in liquidity: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, in: Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis: The impact of the global financial crisis on emerging financial markets.
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Finance strategy and company observation
- Liquidity risk management
- Introduction to financial data services (bloomberg and thomson reuters eikon)
MSc in Investment Banking and Capital Markets :
- Python programming with financial applications
- Quantitative financial analysis
- Computational thinking with vba
- Financial data services (bloomberg and thomson reuters eikon)