- 2006 : Ph.D. in Applied Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 1998 : Master in Management Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 1995 : Bachelor, Management Sciences, Management, KU Leuven, Belgium
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
- 2010 - present, Visiting professor, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- 2007 - 2010, postdoctoral fellow, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- 2007 - 2007, Researcher, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- 1998 - 2002, Research assistant, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Scientific prizes and Awards
- 2018 : Best Quantitative Paper Award for the paper "Time will Tell: How Changes in Entrepreneurial Intentions Impact Business Graduates’ Innovative Behavior at Work" by J. Maes, H. Leroy, J. Deprez and J. Debrulle, ACERE - Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
- 2015 : European Management Review 2014 Best Paper Award, European Management Review
- 2012 : Best Paper Award for the paper "Antecedents of willingness to share information on Enterprise Social Networks" (Leroy, Defert, Hocquet, Goethals & Maes), ItAIS conference
- 2010 : Best Paper Award for the paper "Organizational absorptive capacity: an empirical exploration of the role of the entrepreneur's human and social capital" (Debrulle, Maes & Sels), AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
- 2001 : Best Paper Award for the paper "Small business performance: exploring the link between management practices and the financial performance of small and medium-sized Belgian construction companies" (Maes, Sels & Roodhooft), RENT Conference
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
Gardiner E., Adams J., Debrulle J., Maes J., (2024). Exploring the impact of entrepreneurship on physical and psychological health in the context of active ageing: A systematic review, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, NA (NA) NA.
Debrulle J., Steffens P., De Bock K., De Winne S., Maes J., (2023). Configurations of business founder resources, strategy and environment determining new venture performance, Journal of Small Business Management, 61 (2) 1023-1061.
Debrulle J., Maes J., Gardiner E., (2021). New Ventures : How Team Motivation Affects Financial Outcomes, Journal of Business Strategy, 42 (6) 367-373.
Show all
Debrulle J., Maes J., Gardiner E., (2021). How Entrepreneurs Think: Financial Decisions for the Long or Short Term, Journal of Business Strategy, 42 (4) 233-239.
Lauwers M., Giangreco A., Carugati A., Maes J., Sebastiano A., (2021). Healthcare Information System Use Under Techno-Uncertainty: Evidence from Long-Term Care, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 26 (3) 7-34.
Debrulle J., Maes J., (2015). Start-ups' Internationalization: The Impact of Business Owners' Management Experience, Start-up Experience and Professional Network on Export Intensity, European Management Review, 12 (3) 171-187.
Debrulle J., Maes J., Sels L., (2014). Start-ups’ absorptive capacity: Does the owner's human and social capital matter?, International Small Business Journal, 32 (7) 777-801.
Maes J., Leroy H., Sels L, (2014). Gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions: A TPB multi-group analysis at factor and indicator level, European Management Journal, 32 (5) 784-794.
Della Torre E., Giangreco A., Maes J., (2014). Show me the money! Pay Structure and Individual Performance in Golden Teams, European Management Review, 11 (1) 85-100.
Maes J., Sels L., (2014). SMEs' radical product innovation: the role of internally and externally oriented knowledge capabilities, Journal of Small Business Management, 52 (1) 141-163.
Giangreco A., Goethals F., Maes J., (2013). An Exploration of the Research/Teaching Trade-off in the Perception of Business Students, European Management Review, 10 (2) 69-81.
Debrulle J., Maes J., Sels L., (2012). Identifying the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship: An overview of the research field with special emphasis on human and social capital, Review of Business and Economic Literature, 57 (4) 257-281.
Sels L., De Winne S., Maes J., Faems D., Delmotte J., Forrier A., (2006). An Examination of the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Productivity and Financial Performance of Small Businesses, Small Business Economics, 26 (1) 83-101.
Sels L., De Winne S., Maes J., Delmotte J., Faems D., Forrier A., (2006). Unravelling the HRM-Performance Link: Value Creating and Cost-increasing Effects of Small Business HRM, Journal of Management Studies, 43 (2) 319-342.
Faems D., De Winne S., Maes J., Sels L., (2005). The Effect of Individual HR Domains on Financial Performance. Evidence from Belgian Small Businesses, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 (5) 676-700.
Maes J., Sels L., (2005). Modelling the Link between Management Practices and Financial Performance. Evidence from Small Construction Companies, Small Business Economics, Small Business Economics, 25 (1) 17-34.
- Debrulle J., Maes J., (2014) The act of creating new value: Positioning the independent and corporate entrepreneurship domain, McGraw-Hill, London.
- Janssens M., Maes J., (2009) Mens en Organisatie, Acco, Leuven.
- Sels L., Debrulle J., Maes J., (2008) Enterprising Flanders: Start-ups revisited (Ondernemend Vlaanderen: Startende ondernemingen onder de loep), Roularta books, Roeselare.
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- Delarue A., De Winne S., Gryp S., Maes J., Marx S., Peeters A., Ramioul M., Sels L., Van Hootegem G., (2003) Dossier Organisatie in Bedrijf: de Resultaten van PASO in Vogelvlucht. Panel Study of Organizations in Flanders (PASO)(translated: Organisations in motion: an overview of the PASO results), Garant-Uitgevers, Antwerpen.
- Delarue A., De Winne S., Gryp S., Maes J., Marx S., Peeters A., Ramioul M., Sels L., Van Hootegem G., (2003) De Arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen: Organisatie in Bedrijf De Resultaten van PASO in Vogelvlucht
(translated: The labour market in Flanders: organisations in motion an overview of the PASO results), KU Leuven, Leuven.
Book Chapters
- Gardiner E., Debrulle J., Maes J., (2024), Entrepreneurship, in: Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology.
- Leroy P., Defert C., Hocquet A., Goethals F., Maes J., (2013), Antecedents of willingness to share information on Enterprise Social Networks , in: Organization change and Information Systems - working and living together in new ways .
- Debrulle J., Maes J., Verbruggen M., Sels L., (2011), Once self-employed, always self-employed? A search for demographic and career-related exit determinants of pulled and pushed self-employed individuals (Eenmaal zelfstandige, altijd zelfstandige? Een onderzoek naar de demografische en loopbaangerelateerde uitstroomfactoren van vrijwillige en noodgedwongen zelfstandigen), in: Ondernemen tussen wetenschap en beleid in Vlaanderen .
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- Debrulle J., Maes J., Sels L., (2011), The effect of a business owner’s human and social capital on the start-up’s export activities (Het effect van het menselijk en sociaal kapitaal van de bedrijfseigenaar op de exportactiviteiten van de startende onderneming), in: Grenzeloos ondernemen in Vlaanderen .
- Sels L., Maes J., (2008), Starters in Beeld. Het Profiel van Startende Vennootschappen in Vlaanderen
(translated: start-ups in the picture: the profile of new incorporations in Flanders), in: Ondernemend Vlaanderen. Startende Ondernemingen onder de Loep.
- Sels L., Maes J., (2008), Conclusies en Beleidspistes.
(translated: conclusions and policy recommendations), in: Startende Ondernemingen onder de Loep.
- Maes J., Vanhoutte C., Sels L., (2007), Overnemen: Ondernemen met Voorsprong? Startende Ondernemers en Overnemers Vergeleken
(translated: Acquisitions: entrepreneurship with a head start? Start-ups and acquisitions compared), in: Bedrijf te koop. Overlaten en stopzetten in Vlaanderen.
- Sels L., Gilbert C., Maes J., (2006), Loont Groei?
(translated: Does growth bring benefits? A plea for profitable growth), in: Durven Groeien in Vlaanderen: een Boek voor Gevorderden.
- Maes J., Van De Velde E., Clarysse B., Sels L., (2006), Het Niet Gerealiseerde Groeipotentieel van Vlaamse Ondernemingen onder de Vorm van Corporate Spin-Offs
(translated: the non-realized growth potential of Flemish enterprises under the form of corporate spin-offs), in: Durven Groeien in Vlaanderen: een Boek voor Gevorderden.
- Maes J., Sels L., (2005), De ‘Code Buysse’. Corporate Governance voor Niet-Beursgenoteerde Bedrijven
(translated: The “Buysse” Code. Corporate governance for non-listed companies), in: Je Bent Ondernemend en Je Start Wat. Over Starten in Vlaanderen.
- Maes J., Sels L., (2005), Van Kapitaal Belang. Startkapitaal en Financiering van Startende Vennootschappen
(translated: Of capital importance: start-up capital and financing of new incorporations), in: Je Bent Ondernemend en Je Start Wat. Over Starten in Vlaanderen.
- Maes J., (2005), Eigendom en Bestuur van Starters
(translated: In good hands? Ownership and governance of start-ups), in: Je Bent Ondernemend en Je Start Wat. Over Starten in Vlaanderen.
- Sels L., Forrier A., Bollens J., Maes J., (2000), Het Cyclisch Karakter van Opleidingstrajecten. (translated: The cyclic character of training trajectories), in: HR Jaarboek 2000 – Personeelsbeleid in België.
Peer Review Proceedings
- Debrulle J., Maes J., Sels L., (2012), Smells like team spirit: How founder team composition and entrepreneurship motivation affect start-up value added., in: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Babson College, pp..
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
- Strategic human resource management
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Managing employee turnover and retention
MSc in International Business :