Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Psychology - Tilburg University
Track: International Negotiation and Sales Management
  • 2014 : Ph.D. in Psychology, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • De Cock V., Celik P., Toma C., (2025). The Proof is in the Pudding: Workers Care About Evidence‐Based Diversity Cues, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 55 (1) 52-70.
  • Molines M., El Akremi A., Storme M., Celik P., (2022). Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police, Public Management Review, 24 (1) 80-105.
  • Borinca I., Celik P., Storme M., (2022). Can conservatives who (de)humanize immigrants the most be able to support them? The power of imagined positive contact, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52 (5) 363-375.
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  • Celik P., Storme M., Myszkowski N., (2022). Individual differences in within-person variability in personality positively predict economic gains and satisfaction in negotiations, Group Decision and Negotiation, 31 (1) 683-702.
  • Camargo A., Storme M., Celik P., (2020). Further investigation of the relationship between cultural intelligence and expatriate career intentions, International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 20 (1) 101-122.
  • Storme M., Celik P., Myszkowski N., (2020). A forgotten antecedent of career adaptability: A study on the predictive role of within-person variability in personality, Personality and Individual Differences, 160 (1) 1-6.
  • Camargo A., Celik P., Storme M., (2020). Cultural self-efficacy increases creativity in bicultural dyads: Evidence from two dyadic divergent thinking tasks, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38 (2023) 100725.
  • Myszkowski N., Celik P., Storme M., (2020). Commentary on Corradi et al.’s (2019) new conception of aesthetic sensitivity: Is the ability conception dead?, British Journal of Psychology, 111 (4) 659-662.
  • Storme M., Celik P., Myszkowski Nils, (2019). Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance and Career Decision-Making Difficulties in a French Sample, Journal of Career Assessment, 27 (2) 273-288.
  • Storme M., Celik P., (2018). Career Exploration and Career Decision-Making Difficulties, Journal of Career Assessment, 26 (3) 445-456.
  • Forthmann Boris, Regehr Sandra, Seidel Julia, Holling Heinz, Celik P., Storme M., Lubart Todd, (2018). Revisiting the interactive effect of multicultural experience and openness to experience on divergent thinking, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 63 (X) 135-143.
  • Myszkowski Nils, Celik P., Storme M., (2018). A meta-analysis of the relationship between intelligence and visual “taste” measures., Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12 (1) 24-33.
  • Celik P., Storme M., (2018). Trait Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Satisfaction Through Career Adaptability, Journal of Career Assessment, 26 (4) 666-677.
  • Forthmann Boris, Holling Heinz, Zandi Nima, Gerwig Anne, Celik P., Storme M., Lubart Todd, (2017). Missing creativity: The effect of cognitive workload on rater (dis-)agreement in subjective divergent-thinking scores, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 23 (X) 129-139.
  • Forthmann Boris, Holling Heinz, Celik P., Storme M., Lubart Todd, (2017). Typing Speed as a Confounding Variable and the Measurement of Quality in Divergent Thinking, Creativity Research Journal, 29 (3) 257-269.
  • Storme M., Celik P., Camargo Ana, Forthmann Boris, Holling Heinz, Lubart Todd, (2017). The Effect of Forced Language Switching during Divergent Thinking: A Study on Bilinguals’ Originality of Ideas, Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (X) 1-7.
  • Celik P., Storme M., Myszkowski Nils, (2016). Anger and sadness as adaptive emotion expression strategies in response to negative competence and warmth evaluations, British Journal of Social Psychology, 55 (4) 792-810.
  • Celik P., Storme M., Forthmann Boris, (2016). A new perspective on the link between multiculturalism and creativity: The relationship between core value diversity and divergent thinking, Learning and Individual Differences, 52 (X) 188-196.
  • Celik P., Storme M., Davila Andrès, Myszkowski Nils, (2016). Work-related curiosity positively predicts worker innovation, Journal of Management Development, 35 (9) 1184-1194.
  • Forthmann Boris, Gerwig Anne, Holling Heinz, Celik P., Storme M., Lubart Todd, (2016). The be-creative effect in divergent thinking: The interplay of instruction and object frequency, Intelligence, 57 (X) 25-32.
  • Storme M., Myszkowski Nils, Celik P., Lubart Todd, (2014). Learning to judge creativity: The underlying mechanisms in creativity training for non-expert judges, Learning and Individual Differences, 32 (X) 19-25.
  • Celik P., Lammers J., van Beest I., Bekker M., Vonk R., (2013). Not all rejections are alike; competence and warmth as a fundamental distinction in social rejection, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49 (4) 635-642.