Full Professor
DPhil in Management Studies - University of Oxford
Track: Strategy and Sustainability
LEM Member
  • 2011 : DPhil in Management Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2023 - present, Full Professor of Strategic Management, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2021 - 2023, Reader in Management and Organisation, Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 2017 - 2019, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Programme), Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 2016 - 2021, Associate Professor, Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 2013 - 2016, Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 2011 - 2013, Research Fellow, Warwick Business School, Coventry, United Kingdom
  • 2007 - 2009, Senior Subject Tutor and Stipendary Lecturer in Management, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • 2006 - 2009, Research Assistant, Said Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Bazin Y., Korica M., (2023). Better CSR? Return to neighborliness, California Management Review, 65 (3) 92-109.
  • Nicolini D., Korica M., (2023). Structured Shadowing as a Pedagogy, Management Learning, N/a (N/a) N/a.
  • Korica M., (2022). A hopeful manifesto for a more humane academia, Organization Studies, 43 (9) 1523 - 1526.
Show all
  • Bazin Y., Korica M., (2021). Aesthetic Objects, Aesthetic Judgments and the Crafting of Organizational Style in Creative Industries, Journal of Management Inquiry, 30 (3) 312–330.
  • Nicolini D., Korica M., (2021). Attentional Engagement as Practice: A Study of the Attentional Infrastructure of Healthcare Chief Executive Officers, Organization Science, 32 (5) 1149-1390.
  • Korica M., (2020). Rethinking Observation: Challenges and Practices, M@n@gement, 23 (3) 1-8.
  • Korica M., Bazin Y., (2019). Fashion and Organization Studies: Exploring conceptual paradoxes and empirical opportunities, Organization Studies, 40 (10) 1481–1497.
  • Korica M., Nicolini D., (2017). In Search of ‘Managerial Work’: Past, Present and Future of an Analytical Category, International Journal of Management Reviews, 19 (2) 151-174.
  • Korica M., Nicolini D., (2015). Staying in the know, MIT Sloan Management Review, June (Summer) N/a.
  • Korica M., (2014). Thinking about think tanks in health care: A call for a new research agenda, Sociology of Health and Illness, 36 (3) 447-461.
  • Korica M., (2010). Making sense of professional identities: Stories of medical professionals and new technologies, Human Relations, 63 (12) 1879-1901.
Book Chapters
  • Houtbeckers E., Korica M., (2023), Organisational Decline and Failure in Alternative Organising: The Case of a Coworking Cooperative, in: Coworking Spaces: Alternative Topologies and Transformative Potentials.
  • Korica M., (2023), Staying in the Know in Extraordinary Times, in: Certain Uncertainty: Leading With Agility and Resilience in an Unpredictable World.
Research field
  • Management
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Responsible leadership
MSc in International Business :
  • International business strategy and csr
Post graduate program :
  • Leadership, persuasion and influence