Workshop on Omni-channel retailing
October, 20th 2017
Organized by IÉSEG School of Management and IMMD
In a context where mobile use exceeds PC use, retailers offer to their customers many channels through which they can interact and shop.
Online, mobile and in-store experience are no longer considered by customers as separate channels.
The challenge for retailer is to integrate brick-and-mortar, mobile and desktop experiences to provide a seamless omni-channel experience.
During this workshop, we will welcome keynote speakers such as Peter VERHOEF and Lanlan CAO as well as doctoral candidates conducting research on omni-channel in retailing.
The participation to the workshop is free but you must register.
Program – 20th october 2017
09:30 Welcoming of participants
10:00 Introduction of the workshop
Isabelle COLLIN-LACHAUD (Professeur, IMMD, MERCUR, Université de Lille)
Nathalie DEMOULIN (Associate Professeur, IÉSEG School of Management, LEM)
10:15 Session 1
Keynote speaker, Peter VERHOEF, Professor of Marketing, University of Groningen Multi-channel Research: Where are we and where do we go to?
11:15 Session 2
1. Helen COCCO, PhD candidate, IÉSEG School of Management, LEM Conceptualization and measurement of the shopping experience in an omni-channel context
2. Guillaume DO VALE, PhD candidate, University of Lille, LSMRC-MERCUR, LEM Operating an omni-channel transformation: effects on retailers business models
14:00 Session 3
1. Huan LIU, PhD candidate, University of Groningen The effect of mobile channel usage on purchase behavior: A study for a Chinese online health retailer
2. Thiphaine CHAUTARD, PhD candidate, University of Lille, LSMRC-MERCUR “Once upon a time, the omni-channel transition”: how retailers use internal storytelling to promote readiness to change?
15:50 Session 4
Keynote speaker, Lanlan CAO, Associate Professor in Marketing, NEOMA Business School “Stock Market’s Responses to Retailers’ Search-, Purchase-Related, or Hybrid Mobile Channel Additions”