Program Timetable

08:30 – 9:15 Registration and Coffee
Entrance Lobby
9:15 – 9:30 Opening and Welcome Speech
Ceremony Hall
9:30 – 12:10 Paralell Sessions
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
Room B45
14:00 – 15:00 Keynote presentation
Professor Gilles Chemla
Imperial College London“Government as Borrower of First Resort”
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 – 17:55 Parallel Sessions
18:00 Conference Ends

Detailed Program of Sessions

Session 1

9:30 – 12:10

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures
Session Chair: Elettra Agliardi

Strategic Divestiture under Tacit and Incomplete Information
Qing Ma (HKUST), Susheng Wang (HKUST)
Discussant: Irina De Bruyne Demidova (Université Lille Nord de France – SKEMA Business School)
On the Comparison of Takeover Gains between the US and Other Major Markets: Synergy or Bargaining Power?
Diem Nguyen (University of Gothenburg)
Discussant: Qing Ma (HKUST)
Time Lost in Negotiations: Productive or Wasteful?
Irina De Bruyne Demidova (Université Lille Nord de France – SKEMA Business School)
Discussant: Elettra Agliardi (University of Bologna and RCEA)
Optimal Capital Structure and Growth Options in Mergers and Acquisitions
Elettra Agliardi (University of Bologna and RCEA), Amir Amel-Zadeh (University of Cambridge – Judge Business School), Nicos Koussis (Frederick University
Discussant: Diem Nguyen (University of Gothenburg)

Session 2

9:30 – 12:10

Corporate Governance
Session Chair: Laura Arranz Aperte

The Voice of Foreign Blockholders: A Corporate Governance Perspecitve
Christof Beuselinck (IESEG School of Management), Fabiola Montalto (University of Calabria)
Discussant: Yiqing Lu (London School of Economics)
The Provision of Incentive and Feedback: Should We Bend the Rules for Discretionary Managerial Compensation?
Yiqing Lu (London School of Economics)
Discussant:Fabiola Montalto (University of Calabria)
The Political Economy of Financial Systems: Evidence from Suffrage Reforms in the Last Two Centuries
Hans Degryse (KU Leuven, Tilburg University, and CEPR), Thomas Lambert (UCLouvain and Université Lille Nord de France –
SKEMA), Armin Schwienbacher (Université Lille Nord de France – SKEMA)
Discussant: Laura Arranz Aperte (Autonoma University of Madrid and Hanken School of Economics)
CEO Compensation and Board Composition as Alternative Instruments of Corporate Governance
Pablo de Andrés (Autonoma University of Madrid), Laura Arranz Aperte (Autonoma University of Madrid and
Hanken School of Economics)
Discussant: Thomas Lambert (UCLouvain and Université Lille Nord de France – SKEMA)

Session 3

15:15 – 17:15

Private Equity and Entrepreneurship
Session Chair: Maja Gejadze

Union of Three Partners: Multiple Agency, Power-Dependence Relations, and the Costs of LBO Financing
Anantha Krishna Divakaruni (Vlerick Business School and Ghent University), Miguel Meuleman (Vlerick Business School and Ghent University)
Discussant: Jurgen Hanssens (Ghent University)
Persistence in Financing Policies: New Evidence from Entrepreneurial Firms
Jurgen Hanssens  (Ghent University), Tom Vanacker (Ghent University), Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp)
Discussant: Maia Gejadze (IESEG School of Management)
Agency Problems and Internal Syndication of Venture Capital Investments
Maia Gejadze (IESEG School of Management)
Discussant: Anantha Krishna Divakaruni (Vlerick Business School and Ghent University)

Session 4

15:15 – 17:55

Financial Distress, Investment, and Share Repurchases
Session Chair: Oksana Pryshchepa

Actual Share Repurchases, Price Efficiency, and the Information Content of Stock Prices
Pascal Busch (University of Mannheim), Stefan Obernberger (University of Mannheim and Erasmus University)
Discussant: Jacopo Bizzotto (Boston University)
Asset Liquidity and Investment: Empirical Evidence
Stefan Hirth  (Aarhus University)
Discussant: Stefan Obernberger (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Certifier Competition and Product Quality
Jacopo Bizzotto (Boston University)
Discussant: Oksana Pryshchepa (Lancaster University)
Asset Substitutions and Financial Distress
Oksana Pryshchepa (Lancaster University), Kevin Aretz (Manchester Business School), Shantanu Banerjee (Lancaster University)
Discussant: Stefan Hirth (Aarhus University)

List of participants

Name Institution E-mail Address
Elettra Agliardi University of Bologna and RCEA
Laura Arranz-Aperte Hanken School of Economics
Jacopo Bizzotto Boston University
Marc Deloof University of Antwerp
Irina De Bruyne Demidova Skema Business School
Anantha Krishna Divakaruni Vlerick Business School
Maia Gejadze IESEG School of Management
Jürgen Hanssens Ghent University
Stefan Hirth Aarhus University
Thomas Lambert UCLouvain
Yiquing Lu London School of Economics
Fabiola Montalto University of Calabria
Diem Nguyen University of Gothenburg
Stefan Obernberger Erasmus University Rotterdam
Oksana Pryshchepa Lancaster University