
Graduation Ceremony of the Grande École Program and ceremonies of the Bachelor, MSc, IMBA and Executive programs: IÉSEG innovates with an interactive digital event

On May 29th, more than 2,000 graduates of the Grande Ecole Program (2019 and 2020 classes), around 900 students of the Bachelor in International Business, Master of Science and International MBA, as well as a hundred or so participants of the Executive programs attended an innovative and extraordinary ceremony.

Gathering in a different way despite the health crisis

Indeed, after an extraordinary year 2020, marked by the postponement of graduation and pre-graduation ceremonies due to the health crisis, it was essential for IÉSEG to gather all its community again around an interactive hybrid event, completely redesigned for the occasion.

Remise des Diplomes 2021

The concept? A 100% digital and interactive TV show, hosted by Louise EKLAND, an English-speaking journalist and presenter, broadcast live and shot from a TV set created for the event, on the premises of the IÉSEG campus in La Défense, in front of a few student representatives from each program, professors and members of the administrative team.

Everything was set to make the ceremony successful: cheerleaders at the opening, inspiring official speeches, photographs of the students’ experience at the School, messages of sympathy from professors and administrative staff, and of course, the traditional call of graduates and students! The program also included interactions via a dedicated app: world clouds, Chinese portraits, quiz, sending live selfies, etc. A “graduated” Instagram filter was also created for the students to share their selfies on social media!

A day sponsored by Accor and Decathlon

A graduation and pre-graduation ceremony must have a prestigious sponsor! The classes of 2019 and 2020 of the Grande École Program were sponsored by Accor, represented by Laurent PICHERAL, General Manager, Solidarity Group. « Accor is proud to be a partner of IÉSEG since 2011. Thanks to your excellent academic career and the values that you share, you have obtained a quality degree, which provides you with all you need to succeed in your future professional life”, says Laurent PICHERAL.

Decathlon sponsored the Bachelor in International Business (BIB) and postgraduate (Masters of Science et International MBA) programs. Etienne CALLAFE, CFO of Decathlon China, represented Decathlon during the ceremony, live from Shanghai. Etienne CALLAFE explains: « At Decathlon and at IÉSEG, we share the same state of mind and values: responsibility, integrity, generosity and commitment. I have only one piece of advice to give you: be brave enough to be yourself in all circumstances! That is the best way to keep going in the right direction!”

Congratulations to all the students and Graduates who will soon join the Alumni association – IÉSEG Network!