IÉSEG is ranked 32nd in the 2023 Financial Times’ Masters in Management Ranking

Published on Monday, September 11, the Financial Times Top 100 Masters in Management Ranking 2023 once again positions IÉSEG among the best schools of management in the world. The School is ranked 32nd in the world, and the 9th best French Business School.
IÉSEG strengthens its positions on fundamental criteria which are also strong strategic markers for the School: the excellence of its academic staff (1st place for the qualification of its faculty) and its internationalization (1st place for the international experience of students during their studies, whether internships or academic exchanges, and 2nd place for the internationalization of its faculty).
For the first time this year, the Financial Times evaluated schools on their CSR policies. On this new criterion, entitled “ESG and net zero teaching rank”, IÉSEG is ranked 16th worldwide, which confirms the School’s commitment to producing research with impact for the benefit of all its stakeholders and to empower responsible changemakers for a better society.