
Accor renews its commitment and sponsors graduates of the Grande École program for the second consecutive year

For more than two years, Accor has sponsored students and future graduates of the Grande École program throughout different stages of their path. Driven by Laurent Picheral, Solidarité Groupe’s general manager, various events and meetings were organized.

Accor was represented by Fabrice Tessier, VP, School Relations & Partnerships, at IÉSEG Grande École program review committee, as well as at the conference dedicated to sales careers, organized by Synergie Campus, an association aiming to foster meetings between companies and higher education key players. IÉSEG students also had the opportunity to learn from Laurent Picheral’s expertise during a course on mergers and acquisitions, led by Hicham Daher, professor of finance at the School.

Diplomation PGE 2021Accor’s sponsorship was also placed under the sign of solidarity through meaningful meetings. In December 2020, Laurent Picheral spoke at a conference on the theme: “Philanthropy: companies as catalysts of generosity”, for IÉSEG’s “Giving Tuesday” event.

IÉSEG graduates working for the Accor Group also took part in the Career Day – a recruitment event to exchange with and recruit graduating students.

Several IÉSEG student teams also took part in the “Take Off Challenge” organized every year since 2012 by Accor. This year, the theme of the challenge is oriented towards the human – and more precisely: how to engage local communities in Accor hotels through the optimization of existing initiatives or the proposal of new actions.

Finally, on April 12th, Laurent Picheral spoked again to students during a conference on the adaptation of the Accor Group’s strategy in an uncertain environment.

Laurent Picheral confirms: “the importance of resilience and adaptability. We cannot afford to stand still and give up. You have to be proactive and confident. These are, fortunately, values that we have seen among IÉSEG students and graduates during the partnership. You have a quality diploma that gives you all you need to face difficulties and continue to work in the hospitality sector, which will soon experience a strong rebound, as well as in other fields, of course.”

For more information about the sponsorship: