
IÉSEG announces appointments within its Management Board

To better reflect the strategic priorities and the key development areas of the School, IÉSEG has decided to restructure its Management Board and announces the following appointments.


Diversifying its financial resources is a major challenge for the School, not only to finance research but also teaching and transversal activities such as buildings, pedagogy, CSR… After 7 years of leading research at IÉSEG, Joao VIEIRA DA CUNHA will be appointed Head of External Funding on January 1st, 2024. He will work in close coordination with Guillaume DE RENDINGER and will continue his research and teaching missions.


Lies BOUTEN will be appointed Head of Research as of January 2024, under the leadership of Élise MARESCAUX, who joined the Management Board last September and whose responsibilities have been extended to the position of Dean of Faculty and Research. As Head of Research, Lies BOUTEN will work closely together with the team of Heads of Departments and will manage the research team to further develop the Research Strategy of the School.
Professor of Accouting at IÉSEG since 2011, Lies BOUTEN obtained her Ph.D. entitled ‘On the determinants of social and environmental reporting and its role as an accountability mechanism’ from Ghent University. Her research focuses on sustainability accounting and reporting. More specifically, her work addresses the interface between sustainability reporting, management accounting and assurance as well as on recent trends and regulations in sustainability/non-financial reporting.


Finally, to improve continuously IÉSEG’s visibility and reputation among all its stakeholders, and especially the corporate and socio-economic world and other higher education institutions, Manon DUHEM is appointed Brand and Communications Director. She will join the Management Board on November 1st.
Graduated from the University of Lille, Manon DUHEM joined IÉSEG in 2006 and was previously Head of the Communications Department then Brand and Communications Deputy Director.

IÉSEG Management Board on January 1st, 2024

On January 1st, 2024, IÉSEG Management Board will be composed of:

  • Caroline ROUSSEL – Dean of IÉSEG
  • Philippe BOCQUET – Deputy Director of Lille Campus & Director of Operations
  • Guillaume de RENDINGER – Deputy Director of Paris Campus & Financial Director
  • Maria CASTILLO – Social and Environmental Impact Director
  • Manon DUHEM – Brand and Communications Director
  • Armelle DUJARDIN VORILHON – Director of Organization Studies
  • Antonio GIANGRECO – Director of the International Relations Department & Academic Director of the International Programs
  • Robert JOLIET – Director of Academic Development – France & Academic Director of the Grande Ecole Program
  • Élise MARESCAUX – Dean of Faculty and Research
  • Laure QUÉDILLAC – Corporate Relations Director