
IÉSEG and RUBIKA combine their expertise to launch a joint Bachelor in Management and Tech Design

RUBIKA and IÉSEG have decided to combine their expertise to create a joint Bachelor program integrating Management, Technology and Design, starting in September 2024. It will be offered on the IÉSEG campus in Lille and on the RUBIKA campus in Valenciennes, and students will live an international experience on the RUBIKA campus in Canada.

 A strong and growing cooperation

Both offering quality teaching programs, recognized in France and internationally, IÉSEG and RUBIKA are leaders in their respective fields of expertise: management and administration on the one hand, and video games, entertainment and design on the other.

The first joint project between IÉSEG and RUBIKA dates back to 2020. 4th year IÉSEG students joined RUBIKA’s “Steam” program, in which students from each institution collaborate to conceive, code and market video games, the most successful of which are distributed on the Steam platform, the leader in online video game distribution. This joint initiative between a gaming school and a management school was the first of its kind in France. The excitement of the students for this experience and the quality of the projects developed have demonstrated the interest of the Steam program, which wrapped up its third edition at the end of January 2023.

At the end of 2022, RUBIKA and IÉSEG had chosen to strengthen their promising partnership by offering their respective students the opportunity to attend the partner institution’s elective courses at the Master’s level of each school. Thus, for a few weeks, about twenty students from RUBIKA have been following a selection of electives offered by IÉSEG, such as “Digital Leadership and Innovation” or “The Economics of Artificial Intelligence”, and about 20 IÉSEG students are taking electives offered by RUBIKA, such as “Ethics Design” or “Machine Learning”.

It is therefore natural that the two institutions have taken a new step forward by opening a 3-year Bachelor program in September 2024, entitled “Bachelor in Management and Tech Design”, which is co-designed, co-taught and co-sponsored by both institutions.

“Our two institutions, both non-profit associations under the French law of 1901, combine excellence, humanism and solidarity at the service of young people and society. We promote interdisciplinarity, international and intercultural openness, and pedagogical excellence by relying on high-level professors and and high-level speakers, recognized for their expertise. Sharing a common vision and common values, the consolidation of our partnership seemed obvious to us“, explains Stéphane ANDRÉ, Director of RUBIKA.

A complete program that meets the expectations of companies

The Bachelor in Management and Tech Design, taught entirely in English, is intended for both French and international students. It meets the expectations of students wishing to acquire this double skill set of Management and Technology in Design, as well as the evolutions of the job market, which are resulting in a growing need for hybrid profiles. Thus, start-ups, scale-ups and large companies that are accelerating their digitalization are the main openings of this Bachelor’s degree.

Indeed, this program will offer future graduates a solid and operational training in Management, Economics, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Programming and Design. It will combine technological expertise and business management, based on a project-based pedagogical approach leading to the acquisition of applicable knowledge. The international dimension, the ability to work in intercultural teams, the integration of technology and management, and employability will be the main themes of this program. Thus, out of the 6 semesters of study, 2 semesters will take place on the Canadian campus of RUBIKA.

Academic excellence, international openness, but also a close relationship with the business world, whether in terms of teaching, projects or internships, will ensure the best possible professional integration of future graduates. The Bachelor in Management and Tech Design relies both on a high-level international faculty and on numerous professional contributors, recognized for their expertise. They will not only be involved in the pedagogy by speaking in classes, but will also regularly offer students coaching sessions, personal development, support in their reflection on their career path and their search for internships and jobs… Finally, three internships (1 month, 2 months and 6 months at the end of each year, for a total of 9 months of professional experience at the end of the program) will be mandatory to receive the Bachelor in Management and Tech Design diploma, delivered jointly by the two institutions.

“This partnership is in line with the School’s strategic plan by offering an interdisciplinary program, which provides complementary knowledge and skills in management, technology and design that are increasingly required in the job market. At a time when companies are undergoing a digital transformation, the launch of this Bachelor’s degree with RUBIKA makes perfect sense. Offering training in digital and technological skills at the same time as a solid foundation in management respond to a real expectation of students and companies alike, and is now essential. Entrepreneurs, but also large companies, whether industrial or in the service sector, need these cross-disciplinary skills to support their development projects with high tech stakes“, concludes Caroline ROUSSEL, Dean of IÉSEG.

Discover the Bachelor in Management and Tech Design in video!