
Best Junior-Enterprises in France: IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris in the Top 6, Lille in the Top 30

There are more than 200 Junior-Enterprises in France (whether in business schools, engineering schools or universities) covering the entire metropolitan territory. Each year, the Confédération Nationale des Junior-Entreprises (CNJE) rewards the best Junior-Enterprises in France based on an annual audit conducted by the Confédération Nationale. Being part of the 30 best Junior-Enterprises in France is therefore a pledge of professionalism for its clients, of rigor in the management of their structure and of strong commitment to their ecosystems.

ICP TOP 6This year, the 2 Junior-Enterprises of the School have particularly stood out. Indeed, IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille (created in 1976) is ranked among the 30 best Junior-Enterprises in France and IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris is, for its 10th anniversary, one of the six best Junior-Enterprises that are finalists in the 2023 Excellence Award. This is a consecration for this young organization that is growing in competences and quality every year.

This result is historic for IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris, for our School and for the Junior-Enterprise Movement. It is a guarantee of quality that attests to our professionalism and the value of our work. What makes us unique is the team synergy we have created to reach very ambitious goals! This result is the fruit of a collective success and the influence of our ecosystem, without which nothing would have been possible“, explain Hugo BRAND and Léonard JOFFRE, respectively President and Vice-President of IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris.

According to the CNJE, the JE has distinguished itself in particular thanks to a great integration into their ecosystem in which it has had a real impact, an unwavering commitment to the satisfaction of its clients and stakeholders, and a unique performance in achieving and exceeding its strategic objectives.

The winner of the 2023 Excellence Award will be selected from among IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris, Junior CentraleSupélec, ESCadrille Toulouse Junior Conseil, ETIC INSA Technologies, AMJE Paris and N7 Consulting by a jury composed of representatives from BNP Paribas, Alten, EY and Engie. The prize will be awarded during the National Summer Congress of Junior-Enterprises on May 12.

“To reach L6, we have structured our processes to better manage the Junior-Enterprise and ensure a better handover. We also professionalized the structure by redesigning our website, transforming our ERP and adopting a new CRM. Finally, we have strengthened our relationship with IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille to take advantage of our respective strengths and share our experiences”, conclude Hugo BRAND and Léonard JOFFRE.

To know more about IÉSEG CONSEIL, watch the documentary realized by BFM TV (in French)