
Discover the results of the 2023 Recruitment Survey of young IÉSEG graduates

Every year, the ‘Conférence des Grandes Écoles‘ analyzes how the job market values the courses that the French business schools provide their students, through the recruitment of their young graduates. In 2023, more than thirty business schools took part in this study.

The 2023 Recruitment Survey (carried out in the first quarter of 2023 among the young graduates of the 2022 cohort) confirms the ability, already noted last year after the health crisis, of the French Grande École model to bounce back, as well as its positive momentum.

Zooming on IÉSEG young graduates, the integration of the 2022 Grande École Program young alumni on the job market remains at a high level.
93.1% of graduates found their first job less than 4 months after graduation (almost three quarters were recruited even before the end of their studies), and 85.3% signed a permanent contract.
Gross annual salary after graduation (France + international, including bonuses) averaged 45,823 euros. In addition, 19.8% of young graduates began their careers abroad.
– Finally, 36.5% of graduates have a job related to Corporate Social Responsibility, whether in the environmental, societal, ethical… dimension.

Once again, IÉSEG demonstrates that, thanks to the excellence of its diplomas, the close ties it has forged with companies and the wider economic world and the growing strength of its alumni network (over 15,000 graduates now make up the IÉSEG Network), its young graduates are very well equipped to successfully enter the job market.