IÉSEG has been granted the DD&RS Label (Sustainable Development and Societal Responsibility) for Higher Education for 4 years
The DD&RS Label – Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility – for higher education was created in 2015. It is the result of the collaborative work of a dozen universities and Grandes Écoles, the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles” (CGE), the “Conférence des Présidents d’Université” (CPU), the Ministry in charge of sustainable development, the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research and the Student Network for an Ecological and United Society (RESES).

IÉSEG’s DD&RS label awarded for a duration of 4 years is a fair recognition of the relevance and impact of its CSR strategy, which covers the entire spectrum of the School’s activities, and is one of the cornerstones of IÉSEG’s 2022-2027 strategic plan, entitled “Inspire – Connect – Transform”.
The auditors particularly appreciated the richness and density of the initiatives implemented in all areas, right down to the heart of the School’s missions, as well as the momentum generated by the Dean and the Social and Environmental Impact Department, involving all stakeholders, both internal and external.
Strategy & Governance
Led by the Director of Social and Environmental Impact, who sits on the Executive Committee, the School’s CSR strategy aims to develop practices and solutions that respect the DD&RS label at all levels of the organization and in its activities. It is fully in line with IÉSEG’s strategic plan, whose 5 pillars all integrate the sustainable development and social responsibility vision.
The definition of both the strategic orientations and objectives and their operational translation was the subject of a genuine co-construction, involving all of the School’s stakeholders, as part of the Vision process that IÉSEG has been carrying out since 2015.
This is why the School was ranked 4th among the schools most committed to ecological transition by ChangeNow / Les Echos Start (one of the most important rankings in France dedicated to sustainability), and 1st for the “Strategy and Exemplarity of the establishment” category.
Teaching & Learning
IÉSEG makes its Vision of “Empowering changemakers for a better society” a reality through its training programs. Sustainable development is an integral part of all programs, with 500 courses including elements of sustainability or ethics, 145 of which are positive-impact courses. In response to companies’ needs, 73% of continuing education modules are devoted to sustainability issues.
In addition, IÉSEG has launched a mandatory 18-month training program entitled “Transition 2026” for all its staff and professors, to give everyone at IÉSEG the basic knowledge and tools they need to adapt their courses and day-to-day activities to better integrate sustainability. This process has also led the School to establish a major partnership with B LAB France.
Last but not least, a wide range of support and recognition schemes for student commitments outside the academic curriculum are offered. These cover both student associations and individual commitments. Since 2022, “Sustainability Certificates” have been awarded on graduation to students whose academic and professional careers and personal involvement, particularly in community life, have been exemplary.
Research & Innovation
The interdisciplinary nature of research at IÉSEG favors a systemic approach to issues that combine economic, environmental and social dimensions. To date, some twenty research projects have been carried out at international, national and regional levels. In addition, the School has launched 2 research chairs: the “Sustainability of Business in Society” Chair, in partnership with B LAB France and Colombus Consulting, and the “CFO and Sustainable Transformation” Chair, with the French Association of Financial Directors and of Management Control Directors (DFCG).
The close link between research and teaching has led to the creation of incentive and outreach schemes, such as the ICOR Award for the best master’s thesis. For the 7th edition in 2022, 26 dissertations were evaluated by a jury of professionals. In this way, research, training and students pool their efforts for mutual and shared benefit.
Being the owner of nearly all the buildings on its campuses in Lille and Paris – La Défense, IÉSEG has the autonomy it needs to make responsible and appropriate decisions, and to ensure that they are carried out. Backed by a highly ambitious 2030 Climate Action Plan, the School is implementing a proactive policy to reduce GHG emissions and, in 2018, carried out a full carbon assessment for its two campuses. Generally speaking, although the local partners are different, the general guidelines are set and applied for and by all.
This Climate Plan complements the School’s other commitments to the environment, such as signing the Grenoble Agreement in 2022 and the Lille Low Carbon Pact in 2021. Ultimately, IÉSEG aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 30% compared to 2019, and its energy consumption by 40% compared to 2019.
Social Policy
Diversity and Inclusion are key priorities for IÉSEG and its Foundation, which celebrates 10 years of commitment to equal opportunity and social inclusion this year. IÉSEG has long been recognized for the importance it gives to intercultural diversity, and pays particular attention to social policy, both for its current students (notably in terms of financial support) and for future students (in particular through collaboration with NGOs and organizations such as Cordées de la Réussite, Article 1, Aréli-Emergence…), in line with its values.
« This label rewards the tremendous work accomplished by the various teams at the school, our students and the commitment of our stakeholders (students, alumni, staff, corporates and institutions). It is the result of a long and thorough process aimed at ensuring that sustainability is integrated into all the School’s activities: teaching, research, our campuses, our partnerships, and our strategy and governance. We will continue to work with our stakeholders to increase our impact and achieve our ambitious goals over the coming years », ».
Maria CASTILLO, Director of Social and Environmental Impact at IÉSEG