
IÉSEG signs new international partnerships

In the last months, IÉSEG has signed a number of new academic partnerships with international universities and business schools on different continents. The School’s network of international partners provide students with a range of exchange/fee-paying opportunities and double degree programs, and professors with research collaboration opportunities.

We are delighted to announce that the School has developed new academic partnerships with the following institutions:

Africa & Middle East







North and South America


The School currently has more than 330 partnerships across the world.

Institutions that are interested in extending or establishing new partnerships with IÉSEG should contact our international relations team.

Details regarding the admissions requirements and program schedules can be obtained by contacting the international relations office.

More information on double degree opportunities for IÉSEG Students are available here.

*Still considering the current health situation (COVID-19 pandemic), the implementation of our agreements is currently done on a case-by-case basis, following international, national and local constraints, including lockdowns and travel restrictions.