
IÉSEG’s Incubator and EuraTechnologies strenthen their ties

EuraTechnologies and IÉSEG have just signed a partnership that strengthens the links between the two structures to reinforce entrepreneurial projects and knowledge sharing between their communities.

A center of excellence and innovation, based in Lille and mainly operating in the Hauts-de-France region, that brings together more than 300 companies and start-ups, EuraTechnologies supports the development of all digital entrepreneurs thanks to a unique methodology and expertise in business development, from conception to international deployment. EuraTechnologies thus promotes economic and social development through the transmission of technology and innovation and fosters closer ties between the worlds of research, higher education and business.

IÉSEG’s Incubator supports the School’s ecosystem by offering space and professional accompaniment, allowing start-ups to grow and develop.

The objective of this partnership is to promote links between IÉSEG’s incubated start-ups and incubated start-ups who are members of the EuraTechnologies ecosystem, in particular through immersion sessions, coaching, integration into the training courses provided by each of the organizations and participation in the hackathons organized by EuraTechnologies. Each institution will also have the opportunity to participate in the other’s juries and selection committees.

Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, Dean of IÉSEG, explained, “We are very happy to sign this partnership with EuraTechnologies, a great international reference in terms of ecosystems serving young companies. In this way, we are creating wonderful opportunities and a source of inspiration for our incubated start-ups, who will be enriched through contact with a very diverse network of entrepreneurs.”

Massimo Magnifico, Chief Operating Officer and Board Member at EuraTechnologies added, “Our strategy aims to multiply and develop the sharing of experiences between the new and more seasoned generations of entrepreneurs in order for them to succeed in their business creation projects. This partnership with IÉSEG provides more opportunities to meet and interact with our community of start-ups in a holistic dynamic of innovation, and we are delighted.”

Discover IÉSEG’s Incubator
Discover EuraTechnologies