
Jean-Philippe AMMEUX will retire as Dean of IÉSEG next Summer (2022), Caroline ROUSSEL will succeed him as Dean

A graduate of IÉSEG School of Management, with a doctorate in Economics and International Finance, Jean-Philippe AMMEUX has been Dean of IÉSEG School of Management since 1994. He will retire at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year. Until his departure in the summer of 2022, he will continue to carry out all his responsibilities and missions within the School.

To succeed him and to continue the development of the institution, in France and internationally, the School’s Board of Trustees, which held an extraordinary session on September 30th, unanimously approved the appointment of Caroline ROUSSEL as Dean of IÉSEG School of Management upon the departure of Jean-Philippe AMMEUX.

It is unusual in the academic world to announce the preparation and replacement of a Dean several months in advance. This shows that IÉSEG, as an association led by volunteer administrators, who also hold high-level positions in the business world, knows how to combine the best international academic standards (EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA) and the practices of the most successful companies”, says Jean-Philippe AMMEUX.

Caroline ROUSSEL, who holds a PhD in Management Sciences and an accreditation to supervise research (HDR – Habilitation à Diriger des  Recherches), perfectly knows the School, its operations and its environment, having held, since 2002, the positions of Professor of Audit & Control, Head of the Finance Audit & Control Department, Director of Academic Development and Quality, Academic Dean and, since January 2020, Vice-Dean.

Caroline ROUSSEL has, for many years, demonstrated the extent of her qualities and skills, as well as her commitment to the School. The decision to appoint her as Dean is therefore a logical, pragmatic and above all ambitious choice for the future of IÉSEG”, explains Marc DELOZANNE, President of the IÉSEG Board of Trustees and Deputy Chief Executive of Leroy Merlin France. “This choice guarantees, for the IÉSEG Community (faculty, administrative teams, students, graduates, partners), a continuity in the implementation of the School’s strategy and development”.

Involved since the beginning of the IÉSEG’s Vision 2025 process and the development of the 2016-2021 strategic plan, Caroline ROUSSEL has already contributed significantly to strengthening our academic excellence and our pedagogical strategy, while meeting the challenges of our rapidly changing environment. I am convinced that she will continue to help our School grow by being devoted to the values of commitment and responsibility to which we are dedicated. With the support of the Board of Trustees and of the Management Board, Caroline ROUSSEL will be in charge of implementing the School’s future 2022-2026 strategic plan”, said Jean-Philippe AMMEUX.

Caroline ROUSSEL concludes: “I am very happy to be appointed by the Board of Trustees to succeed Jean-Philippe at the end of this academic year. The quality of IÉSEG’s pedagogical project, of its research and of all its teams is a very solid foundation to pursue our ambitious development in France and internationally. The qualitative development of the last few years, combined with rigorous management, allows me to look forward to the future with confidence. With all of its graduates, students and teams, IÉSEG has an important role to play in the coming years, through its programs and research, to meet not only environmental but also social, economic and societal challenges”.

This academic year will be the opportunity for Jean-Philippe AMMEUX and Caroline ROUSSEL to gradually hand over his responsibilities and current projects.

Photo credit: Barbara Grossmann