
Discover the results of the 2022 survey of young graduates from IÉSEG

Every year, the Conférences des Grandes Écoles (CGE) conducts a survey related to the recruitment of young graduates from the French Grandes Écoles.

This survey was conducted in the first months of 2022 with graduates from the 2021 class from IÉSEG’s Grande École (GE) Master in Management program.

The integration of the 2021 graduates from IÉSEG’s Grande École program on the job market remains at a very high level: 93.5% of those graduates in work surveyed found their first job either before leaving the School or within four months of leaving. 88.9 % were hired on a permanent basis. The average gross annual salary after graduation (France and abroad, excluding bonuses) was  €43,752. Finally, 21.8% of those young graduates began their careers abroad.
As a proof of the expectations of this new generation, 61.6% of graduates hold an international-related position (i.e. they work on international projects, regularly go on missions abroad or manage teams abroad) and 31.8% of graduates have a job related to CSR (whether environmental, societal, ethical, etc.).

Robert Joliet, Academic Director of IÉSEG’s Grande École Program, concludes: « Fully equipped with knowledge and interpersonal skills, our graduates, throughout their School’s journey, have developed their adaptability, pragmatism and their capacity to work in diverse and multicultural teams. These skills are particularly valued and sought after by companies, which is shown once again by the results of this annual survey. »