
[Alumni Story] Kornilia LAMPROPOULOU, international business woman !

Born in Greece, Kornilia LAMPROPOULOU (who graduated the Master in International Business in 2018) spent five years in China before returning to Athens. Let’s follow her journey over the years and across continents.

How did you end up doing the Master in International Business at IÉSEG?
Having graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor in Maritime Economics from the University of Piraeus, I had always had the idea that I would follow it with a Master abroad. By eventually taking a job in Shenzen (China) in 2015, this idea gradually got pushed back, until the day I heard about IÉSEG’s “International Business/Trade & Commerce” program in collaboration with a local institution. For two years, professors traveled to China from all over the world to teach an international business audience. I couldn’t have dreamed of anything better! Most notably, this program allowed me to acquire new skills: intercultural communications, management of international teams, flexibility and an understanding of the expectations of customers across the globe, etc.

What did you do next?
After five years in China, I decided to return to Greece… I am now Business Executive Specialist & Chairman’s Administrator for two companies: Seagull Group Of Companies and the Grouper Entertainment Group. This career path would not have been possible without my MIB! In Athens, I not only feel at home, I also like the mix of history and modernity: you can change centuries just by driving for a few minutes or even by crossing the street! I find the city fascinating in the way it can transport me to the past in just a few steps while also offering me the most up-to-date leisure facilities and sources of entertainment!

How would you characterise the Greek people?
After living, travelling and working abroad over the years, I think Greece is a great place to live because of the people: they are so warm and welcoming. Many of my personal and professional contacts from all over Europe, who I meet every day, agree with me: they feel swept up by the “Philoxeno” spirit, but also by the many opportunities the thriving local economy offers. If you want to try your luck here, you’ll find it easy to fit in. Take the time to meet the local people, to understand the culture, be ready to learn and if the first weeks are more difficult than expected, remember there are many associations to help foreigners all over Greece. Welcome to our home!

This article was written by Luna Créations for IÉSEG Network’s magazine, IÉS #15.