
Fin Tech at the heart of the Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology

In a constantly evolving financial environment, IÉSEG’s Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology explores the latest evolutions of the banking sector and international capital markets.

It is designed for students who plan to pursue a career in Investment Banking, or equity, debt, or derivatives capital markets working for financial conglomerates, independent financial institutions, asset management firms, advisory firms, or Fintech firms.

This program, entirely taught in English over a period of 4 semesters, differs from other financial programs in that it focuses more specifically on the financial technology aspect. This implies acquiring the necessary knowledge to work with the main financial databases such as Refinitiv or Bloomberg, which is what this Master’s program allows.

During their program, students learn to analyze these data and develop solutions using the most appropriate tools and software, as well as different programming languages. This Master’s program is one of the only ones to offer a complete education in programming, which means that students sometimes arrive without any knowledge of programming and finish the program with an advanced level in this field, sometimes discovering a real passion for programming.

One of the highlights of this Master is an inter-university hackathon organized in partnership with Refinitiv, one of the main partners of IÉSEG’s Master in Banking, Capital Markets & Financial Technology. During this hackathon, students had the opportunity to reinforce their use of CodeBook, an application from Refinitiv that gives them access to easy-to-use interfaces for learning to code. Students also had access to Refinitiv data. The final goal was to develop a Python application.

The program is  intense, with 26 courses spread over the year. It is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on market finance: study of financial instruments, portfolio management, M&A, etc. The other is mainly dedicated to tech, so that students learn to code (VBA, Python, R) and to use open-technology solutions for listed markets (e.g. Bloomberg and Refintiv). All courses have a theoretical and practical part. For example, for the portfolio management course, we had to create a portfolio in Refinitv and every day we had to monitor it and rebalance it if necessary. Or, during the Python course, we had to code a solution of our choice that respected an ESG indication. In my case, I coded an ESG oscillator adaptable to the profiles of different investors,” explains Andrés REINECK, 2021 graduate of the Master in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology.