
IÉSEG expands its portfolio of Specialized Masters and launches the Master in Cybersecurity Management in September 2024

Since 2021, a ransomware attack has occurred every 11 seconds. Increased cloud adoption and the advent of 5G networks create significantly increased vulnerability. New technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) are creating new targets as more devices are connected. Additionally, work-from-home policies have resulted in greater exposure to risks as employees have shifted to working on personal devices on home networks that are often shared with family members. Meanwhile, hackers are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to trigger automated attacks.

As cyber threats increase, organizations need business-oriented specialists with cybersecurity knowledge. Cyber risk goes beyond IT to incorporate legal issues, financial risk modeling, organizational behavior, and executive leadership. Cyber risk management combines the technical aspects of threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits with the business aspects of board-level objectives, enterprise risk management and organizational leadership. IÉSEG will therefore launch the Master in Cybersecurity Management in September 2024 to adress companies’ need for these hybrid (both Tech and Management) profiles.

As Jennifer ZIEGELMAYER, Academic Director of the Master in Cybersecurity Management, explains, “there is a common misperception that cybersecurity is all about protecting your organization from hackers. While that’s part of it, there are many other risks that need to be managed from electrical outages to floods, to outdated software, to employees accidentally deleting or sharing confidential data. That’s why it is important for cybersecurity professionals to have more than just technical skills. They need to understand legal ramifications, compliance regulations, operational logistics, and have leadership skills. Combining foundational technology skills with risk assessment, legal, and management knowledge, this program prepares participants to protect their organizations from the myriad risks that exist today and to anticipate the risks of tomorrow.

The Master in Cybersecurity Management has been built around interactive courses, delivered by academic and industry experts, to provide fundamental technical knowledge in addition to managerial and leadership skills. This Master delivers up-to-date knowledge for organizational leaders to excel in the governance and management of their IT risk, security, and compliance responsibilities. The program represents cybersecurity as an enterprise-wide risk management challenge, impacting technical, organizational and governance responsibilities.

At the end of the program, participants will have the opportunity to earn two industry-recognized certifications: the CompTIA Security+ (a global certification that validates the baseline skills necessary to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career) and a second CompTIA certification, aligned with individual career goals. These certifications are highly valued on the job market and are prerequisite for certain positions.

The Master in Cybersecurity Management consists of 3 terms of courses and a professional experience. Alongside the courses, the program offers various workshops and corporate events to further develop students’ personal and professional skills.

Teaching is built around 3 pillars:
Technology: this set of courses provides the foundational technical knowledge to understand the nature of the assets to be protected and the threat vectors exploited. These fundamental building blocks allow participants to either focus on the technical aspects of cybersecurity or to be able to engage meaningfully with technical personnel.
Cybersecurity: these courses establish the core knowledge and the practical security problem-solving skills required to: assess the security of an organization; recommend and implement appropriate solutions; monitor and secure hybrid environments, including cloud, mobile and IoT; operate with an awareness of applicable laws and policies including principles of governance, risk and compliance; and identify, analyze and respond to security events and incidents.
Management: This set of courses covers the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to manage organizational resources including physical, technical, intellectual, and human resources. They address managerial and leadership skills as well as the legal, compliance, and governance issues related to managing organizational risk.

All you need to know about the Master in Cybersecurity Management