Research or academic excellence
Research is a very important activity at IÉSEG. It aims to advance knowledge in the fields of management and applied economics and to provide high quality courses to our students. It is served by more than 84 faculty members from top level, who regularly publish their results in scientific journals internationally, or in the mainstream press. We can mention:
- Dr. Eric Dor, Director of Research at IÉSEG especially speaks about subjects attached to the debt crisis. He is regularly quoted in the national press (Les Echos, Challenge, le Point …) and international (The Telegraph, The Economist, Financial Times, New York Times, El Pais, …)
- Dr. Kristiaan Kerstens, a member of the IÉSEG Research Committee is the most productive professor in terms of publications among the French Grandes Ecoles of Management. (Ranking by L’Etudiant / Educpros, November 2012)
This intense and quality research activity allows the school to be ranked at the second position in the production of scientific articles in international journals, behind HEC.
More details on IÉSEG Research (team, working papers, Chairs and Centers of Expertise, etc.) on our website: