
Discover the winners of the 2022 edition of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE

On April 12th, 2022, the winners of the 2nd edition of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE were rewarded by Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, Dean of IÉSEG, and Nicolas WALLAERT, CEO of Cofidis France. This year’s data visualization contest was based on the theme ” the daily data of the risk analyst “. The students had to respond to the following issue: how to present information in a synthetic, efficient and attractive way to make the work of risk analysts easier?

The ceremony took place during a round table discussion co-organized by IÉSEG on the theme: “What are the limits of data?”, during which Julie BASTIEN, Manager Sustainable Finance at Inetum Consulting; David VERSTRAET, Head of Risk, Cofidis Group and Jérémie BERTRAND, professor-researcher in the field of banking and fintechs at IÉSEG, spoke.

For this 2nd edition of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE, 45 projects were submitted to the jury by 64 students, working alone or in pairs.

(c) Maiwenn PERCHERON & Camille RODA

Maiwenn PERCHERON and Camille RODA, 3rd year students in the Grande École program at IÉSEG, are the winners of this edition. The result is very attractive to the eye and pleasant to read, it includes explicit and well-constructed visuals, including a transformation funnel that is well highlighted and synthetic. The KPIs are clear and relevant and the graphic choices are well adapted to the different situations. Finally, the group has made a good mix between variety of information and clarity of reading“, commented the jury. The two winners will be welcomed to the Cofidis Group Campus and will meet Tristan GORLIER, Head of the Risk Management and Strategy Area, and his team to discuss their response to the issue in person. They will then spend an hour each with Cofidis Group recruiters to discuss their career wishes and try to land a professional opportunity within the Group.

We would like to sincerely thank IÉSEG and Cofidis, who organized this challenge. It was an opportunity for us to apply the basics of data analysis that we had studied in class, while at the same time putting it into a real thinking process. The challenge made us put ourselves in the shoes of a risk analyst, to determine what data he or she needs first, even before processing it. Although our professional projects are in marketing and social entrepreneurship, we have already learned a lot from the Dataviz. It has made us aware that whatever our field of expertise, data is a tool that must be mastered nowadays“, say Maiwenn and Camille.

(c) Dylan FERREIRA & Julien LE PINIE

In 2nd place, we find Dylan FERREIRA and Julien LE PINIEC, both students in the Master in apprenticeship “Financial Institutions: Risk, Compliance and Data Analytics” of the Grande École program at IÉSEG. According to the jury, “a lot of information has been taken into account, the KPIs are relevant, with a focus on fraud and a transformation funnel. Finally, the good idea was the creation of a synthetic graph on openings compared to objectives and compared to N-1, with a visual distinction with a color code according to the achievement of the objective.” The two students won a day on the Cofidis Caravan, with the caravanner employees, at one of the stages of the Tour de France next July.

Finally, the 3rd place is awarded to Anatole REFFET and Florian PETIT, students in the same Master at IÉSEG. The jury notes “a pleasant visual, a use of KPI in 2 formats, numeric and semi-circle, a comparison between the leading partner vs. the other partners which is interesting“. They will have the opportunity to be auditors at the next International Data Committee, on the achievements and data issues in progress within Cofidis Group.

A challenge open to all European students

Launched on January 12th, 2022, the 2nd edition of this challenge in Data Visualization was open to all students enrolled in a European higher education institution to challenge them with a real issue of the banking sector: “the daily data of the risk analyst”.

Indeed, within Cofidis, risk analysts are in charge of analyzing files in order to minimize the risk borne by the company. In order to do this, they receive several dozen different pieces of information every day. How to present this information in a synthetic, efficient and attractive way in order to make the work of risk analysts easier?

Among the 45 projects submitted between January 12th and March 18th, the closing date for applications, 10 projects were first nominated by a jury composed of 3 professors of Finance at IÉSEG (Jérémie BERTRAND, also Director of the Master in apprenticeship “Financial Institutions: Risk, Compliance and Data Analytics”, Aurore BURIETZ and Marc JOETS). The selection criteria were creativity, graphics and visibility, relevance of the data used, and above all the professionalism and feasibility of the proposal. Then, a final jury composed of data experts from Cofidis, with the advisory opinion of the whole Cofidis Group Data community, selected the 3 winners of this 2nd edition.

For Nicolas WALLAERT, CEO of Cofidis France, “Data is fundamental for Cofidis, because it allows us to continue to innovate, to maintain our leadership and to reinvent our customer experience. It helps our teams to remain efficient thanks to informed analyses. In fact, that was the whole purpose of the concrete challenge that was presented. Once again, I was impressed by the quality and relevance of the solutions proposed by all the candidates. Accompanying this European Dataviz Challenge and beyond, our partnership with IÉSEG, is for us the assurance of building a privileged and lasting relationship with the future professionals of these matters.”

Jérémie BERTRAND concludes, “It was a very rich ceremony! It began with the awarding of the Challenge prizes, which rewarded three groups that proposed very attractive, relevant and above all well thought-out interpretations of the data provided. Congratulations again to the winners! The round table that followed, around the theme of the limits of data, allowed to answer in a very relevant way to current questions around data management. Thanks again to our two speakers, Julie BASTIEN and David VERSTRAET.”

Discover the 3 winning projects here.