Cultural Activities
GRADES AND CREDITS for the Short-Term Programs
Students’ work is graded out of 20 points, the lowest passing grade is 10/20. Grades may be awarded for final examinations, individual and/or group papers and reports, and class participation. Most grades are a mix of several of these types of assessment.
IÉSEG International Grade Conversion Scale

Every student will receive two official transcripts after the successful completion of all program requirements. The transcript will show the course name, contact hours, the number of acquired credits, as well as the achieved grades.
Credit Transfer
Most international colleges and universities accept credits from the IÉSEG School of Management. However, each institution has its own policy regarding credit acceptance from other institutions. We strongly recommend that students consult their academic advisor and/or professor to receive credit transfer approval before applying to the IÉSEG Short-Term Programs.
If they would like to transfer credits to their home university, they should print out all documents and contact the professor or study abroad advisor and ask for credit and grade approval.