
[Online Information Session] Master in International Business Negociation

March 7th, 2024 – 2pm Online


Learn to negotiate effectively in mulitple contexts!

The Master in International Business Negotiation offers participants the opportunity to understand all elements of a negotiation process, and to fully engage in an interdisciplinary analyses of negotiation in a global environment.

Participants learn about their own negotiation style and master the art of communication and relational skills. They also develop the ability to effectively drive change, generate creative solutions, and to engage with divergent perspectives. Furthermore, students gain an understanding of how to apply these negotiation skills to specific international business contexts such as sales management, human resources and dispute resolution.

You would like to learn more about the program and ask questions to Academic Director of the Program, Deva RANGARAJAN and to Corinne M’LANAO, International Recruitment Coordinator: click on the icon below to register and join our next webinar:

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