
[Research Seminar] ‘Accounting Cartography, Resources, and Space: the tools of french Imperialism in West Africa in the early 19th Century’

Speaker: Pierre LABARDIN
IAE La Rochelle

Date and Location – April 11th, 2024 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm
in Paris campus (L712) & on Zoom



This research contributes to exploring the links between accounting and geography (Andrew & Cahill, 2017), adopting a historical perspective. By crossing two Foucauldian-inspired approaches of mapping (see e.g., Harley, 1988, 1989; Crampton & Krygier, 2006) and accounting (see e.g., Miller & O’Leary, 1987; Miller & Napier, 1993), we propose to analyse the thematic map as a technology of knowledge/power articulating cartographic practices and accounting calculation practices. Our aim is then to show how the visualisation of accounting inscriptions (Quattrone, 2009; Busco & Quattrone, 2015) in cartographic format, by engaging the reader “to calculate with the eye”i, makes possible certain forms of action at a distance (Robson, 1992; Kitchin et al., 2011), as part of an imperialist projectii.

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